*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

Although the lantern only accepts 18650s internally, you could buy a battery holder for the cells of your choice, wire it up to a USB-C connector and run the lantern off that in a pinch. Efficiency would drop by at least 10%, though.

The TP5100 chip that handles power input from the USB-C port can accept 4.5V - 18V, although I wouldnā€™t push the upper limit too hard. 12V or 15V would be my preference (would work nicely with a 12V car battery, in fact).

If you are ā€œusing itā€ ā€¦ā€¦ it wont be dark :person_facepalming:

This is what I meant by saying possibly in LT2 or in a later rendition of the lantern, I donā€™t want it delayed either. I have no doubts they will have at least a black LT1 ready by the time they want it to.

Interested in 2 potentially

Oh I give in. Interested in 1!

That has to be in the top 10 flashlight quotes of 2019.lol

That nice purple color looks great while ā€œusing itā€

Iā€™m definitely in for 1. Iā€™ve been very dissatisfied with the neutral/warm LED lanterns on the market (and have no desire for 6500k in the woods). This looks like easily the best option out there.

SigShooter, please increase my quantity from 4 to 5, one more friend is interested.

Interested in 1

I bet a lot more will be interested after seeing how great it is in real life :slight_smile:

Silly question ā€” does the lantern require all 4 batteries, or can it work with fewer? Iā€™m guessing it can, since the batteries are parallel, but I donā€™t know if the max current of a single (unprotected) battery can be exceeded and what would happen (would it just not reach the max brightness level?). And what is the max current, anyway? Iā€™m figuring 7x7135 is 7*350mA=2.45A, which sounds a bit low for 4 LEDs.

It can run on 1 , 2, 3 or all four cells, and maximum amps being below 2, it will be not an issue even with lower drain laptop pulls.

So the purpose of multiple batteries is only to extend runtime, right?

Yes, and thinking about that, if you are a runtime freak and really want to squeeze out the maximum runtime out of your 4 batteries, the best way is to feed them one by one to the lantern instead of all four together (less overhead voltage will be burnt off), and if they all are used up because of the LVP kicking in, you can put all 4 near empty batteries once more in the lantern and have even a bit more runtimeā€¦

Wow, learning something cool everyday in this BLF thread! :student:

Speaking of LT1 production being delayed by color options, iā€™m sure the black will hit first with no delay.
However, if i know other colors will be available i will delay my order to get a tan and green pair (for instance) rather then two black.


I`m on the list for 1 lantern.
1860 PatX

please add me for 2 more. 3 total.

Thank you

It was just a thought, and now I have another thought :person_facepalming: , running them one by one will draw more current per cell and that again lowers the capacity a bit. Which effect will win? :expressionless:

Iā€™m interested in one too, but without the batteries.