*BLF LT1 Lantern Project) (updated Nov,17,2020)

Interested! Please put me on the list for one lantern.

Add me for 1 in please

This sounds a little creepy and stalker-ish.

Please add me to the list for two.

Please put me down for two more. Total of 4.

Please put me down for one more, for a total of two.

I try my best, but must admit that a complete Atlantic Ocean between me and Canada weakens the threat quite a bit :frowning:

Here are the additions since last weekā€™s updates and the files linked to in post #1 have been updated.

The interest list count now stands at 2,413.


2412 Rossano95
2413 mrelia100
2414 Pokemonrules
2415 northbeard
2416 northbeard
2417 northbeard
2418 Julez
2419 pat4027
2420 flightless22
2421 flightless22
2422 eodoe
2423 eodoe
2424 Thescreensavers
2425 bluewanderer
2426 kleft
2427 sbslider
2428 bakeshow
2429 wordwalker3
2430 Cggzilla
2431 alstann
2432 blind-eye
2433 LOTL
2434 paetzi
2435 treadhead71
2436 beech18650
2437 cedarman
2438 Boots
2439 Bake
2440 Bake
2441 Dyrnwyn
2442 MNLegoBoy
2443 Asian8640
2444 Melraidin
2445 rogueRobot
2446 Moloflashy
2447 mtnbike
2448 JetskiMark
2449 JetskiMark
2450 lantlight
2451 lantlight
2452 Di7Hbi9XxxVutFJW

Please put me down for 1 more.

A silicone shade is a great idea. To help address the storage issue it could be designed to collapsed down (like a rubber lens hood) so it would be more or less up and out of the way when the shade was not in use. My only concern is whether or not this would provide the right shape and enough reflective surface when expanded (compared to the dollar store bowl):

It could replace the o-ring then as a bumper.



Shipping to EU from china is usually about 5.00- EUR for air mail and normally arrives in about 10 days, sometimes even cheaper than that if you are willing to wait longer.

Yep, i already have a couple of those too for shades, (for an upcoming accessory video) :smiley:

Iā€™m getting ready.
First set of lantern batteries - Check.


Great corp name, but I think the younger crowd wonā€™t get it. Lol.

They even have a person in their ā€˜recycleā€™ logo! :confounded:

I saw that movie back when I was in college. I guess that makes meā€¦ā€¦ā€¦old :person_facepalming:

thatā€™s pretty creepy for sure . . . :confounded: