Can't Log IN.

This is normal. It says that because it’s not https.

Not related to any password issue.

ok thanks. I did little searching, and someone on blade forums had this happen, and it just started working.

I have tried on chrome, edge, and android tablet.

I can still get here, I just have to do the password reset.

will see how thing are tomorrow

OK, thanks for testing that chadvone. I just sent you a PM to see what else we can do.

Let me know If I should do anything. I am still logged onto laptop.

Hi there, please respond to my PM. Thanks.

Yes, please try.


Seams like my browsers are not “refreshing” sending the new info to and from the site. Don’t believe BLF is getting my new password info.

EDIT— But why chrome, edge and and an android all at same time.

I have now tried. FireFox. No Luck.

So far. Windows 7 Chrome, Windows 10 Chrome, Edge, Firefox. Android on 3 devices.

The only thing that is common with all of these is gmail where the password reset in being sent.

making video

Thanks, that would be helpful.

very bad video of my issue

Thanks, I replied to you again via PM.

OK, looks like he managed to solve the problem by restarting his modem/router. Glad it’s working for him now.

Thanks sb56637 for sticking with this almost all day. I am now able to log in.

The solution was simple. So simple I am embarrassed.

sb56637 pmed me that my log in attempts were not even getting to BLF.

like my browser or internet was eating them.

Well I unplugged my router for a bit , plugged it back in and now it working fine.

I still don’t understand it, as I could log onto other sites like youtube, gmail, chrome, etc etc

Thank you all for you input.

I won’t pretend that I understand exactly what happened either. But at any rate I’m glad you were persistent and got it fixed by yourself. :+1: