Cigabuy giveaway contest-free shipping

C I believe - my reason, well I copied everyone else :slight_smile:

ā€¦because he looks happiest

C. thanks for the giveaway.

C since the eyes and mouth are the only ones missing from their row/column/diagonal.

Thanks for the giveaway!


C :slight_smile:


Using horizontal/vertial sudoku-like logic for the 3 facial differences, C would fit the pattern.

C because each row and column has one each of each set of eyes, mount and ears.

i will choose c then, hope this giveaway wont be

Definitely C.


Iā€™m going with the crowd.
Thanks for the giveaway.

c, because it s the correct answer.

Definitely C. :slight_smile:


C just because I trust my fellow flashaholics and C is the majority.

What is "time-free shipping"? Shipping that takes no time at all?

C is the answer because A, B & D repeat the eye, ear, or mouth pattern in the row & column.

My answer is C because:

1. Only the ā€˜smilingā€™ face doesnā€™t have a third ā€˜versionā€™. The ā€˜poutingā€™ face and the ā€˜normalā€™ face all have three ā€˜versionsā€™.
2. Only the two-hollow-eyes combination (the others are one-blackened-one hollow-eyes and one-hollow-one-blackened-eyes) is not shown yet. The ā€˜poutingā€™ face and the ā€˜normalā€™ face all have shown the three combinations in their three ā€˜versionsā€™.
3. It is facing left consistent with the first two ā€˜smilingā€™ faces. All three ā€˜poutingā€™ faces are consistently facing forward and all three ā€˜normalā€™ faces are consistently facing right.

Great give away. Count me in.

I can C it.

Shipping will take no time at all!

C it.
