Closed! Winner selected! Ban the previous poster Giveaway...

Congrats on 2K AlexGT. Great to have you around and look forward to your next 2K posts. Nice give away. Since I already have one of these very nice lights, I will pass for the same reason I stated in DavidEF's giveaway.

In compliance with your posting rules:
I ban Buwuve because his avatar periodically changes (like a mouse over), but I can't figure out how it does that.

For the next poster, please don't worry about pretend banning me. It takes a actual invalid ban (especially of a new member) by fellow users to ruffle my feathers. Thankfully, that hasn't occurred (as far as I know) in some time now.

Holy s**t!
I try to ban ImA4Wheelr because I have not understand a word he said about the ban!!! :bigsmile:

I ban AlexGT for creating the best damned contest thread ever! This thread is fantastic and I'll probably steal his idea in the future. :P

I'm not entering the contest but had to chime in just because it was so fun. Some of these bans are hilarious!

Ban JohnnyMac so I WILL win!

I ban BLightSam just because I want to. :bigsmile:

I ban can because I can :slight_smile:

I ban logindetails so he can’t ban

I am in LOL couldn’t resist.

I ban Saigon, because there is something fishy about him. Not sure what is. Just a fishy gut feeling he would me a sore winner! LMAO!!

Ban Ricflair because pink underwear is so last year.

I ban DanielM because everyone knows pink paisley is the new black!

I ban smaller lights for I like big big lights

I hereby ban sesgum for using the word “big” two times in a row AND not ending his sentence!

I ban Plato because his avatar is too mean to Manuel

I ban Ford Prefect for losing his towel and not being a hoopy frood.

All the previous posters are banned

So that I'll get the upper hand

If I play my cards right

I will soon win that light

To make my fine collection expand

I ban jacktheclipper for being so much more doggone creative than the rest of us mortals!

I ban jacktheclipper because his post was far too poetic.

Edit: I ban Legolas Jr. for beating me to banning jacktheclipper

I would like to unban myself for a moment while I use the restroom. I’ll try my best to remember to reban myself when I’m done.
Thank you

I re-ban jhalb for not washing his hands when done!

I ban all those who use the word ban in their reply.