Color LED Lights

Try this search in 'oogle and several other search engines (you'll get different results from different engines and on different days)

P60 dropin LED amber red green blue

for example

A set of nice 2nd or 3rd gen night vision goggles or scope will solve your problems in style. Critters have no respect for advanced monkey technology... just ask the ghosts of the 6 raccoons that were tearing the siding of my old house... they all went to furball heaven within 10 minutes via a nice .17 cal airgun. Coyotes are just as clueless.

I took a cheapo zoom light that I got on Amazon for 6 bucks, replaced the 1 watt led bulb with the pill from an 11 buck Solarforce drop-in, then substituted a decent capacity 18500 cell in place of the 3AAA holder for about 7 bucks. At 75-100 yards it makes about a 25x25' red square on the side of a house, likely 200 yards would be no problem (especially with a scope or binoculars.) So if you have basic modding skills, about $25 to spend, a few hours of tinker time, and some thermal adhesive, you can construct an impressive red or green zoomer that nobody even comes close to for less than 200 bucks.

It's fairly water resistant, but not water proof. My boy dropped mine in the dog's water bowl and it was still working 5mins later when I realized it was missing, but there was a few water droplets inside the head. I took it apart, dried it, and reassembled with lock-tight in strategic locations, thicker thread lube and better o-rings, so hopefully it's a bit more water friendly now. :)

Here's another possibility, though I can't say for sure:

I bought what they called "amber" but got a warm white.

They said it was their mistake and refunded the purchase,

seems they are not using the real Cree amber LED for that one.

But, they responded quickly and I can recommend them for that.

I'd guess their blue, green, and red could be the actual Cree color LEDs.

(Those have a big letter B, G, or R on the reflector in the illustration,)

You should probably ask in advance to make sure

I am making some of the Green P-60 drop ins for $20 plus shipping. They are single mode 3-18 volt around 200 lumen (see the beam shots above)if anyone is interested PM me. I can also do custom or multi-modes for a little more money.

One of my favorite lights is my EagleTac T20C2 MKII. I use it all the time for varmint hunting. I use a red or green drop-in. Don't know what you're willing to spend, but my ET has seen a lot of use without any problems, and the colored LED drop-in will far outshine anything that I've seen with a filter on it.

I know you guys typically warn people away from coloured lenses, but which option to do think would put out the most light? with an XM-L behind them

OR: and:

This isn’t about anything mission critical for me. I just want play around mostly.

Have never used a colored lens before so cant comment on that but as you stated not alot of light coming out.
I would guess that generic warm white would be the brightest, then the green (have this drop-in), and the red and blue at the end of the list for the four drop-ins listed.

I have the generic green and the warm white drop-in, the green one appears brighter to my eyes.
Probably because there is no lossy phosphor layer and also our eyes are more sensitive to the green wavelength of light.

Thanks for the replies. My plan, whether I go for lenses or LEDs, is to get all the colours. So I’m mostly just trying to work out if an XM-L behind the solarforce lenses is going to be brighter or dimmer than those cheap coloured drop-ins.

You'll have to consider several things.

First of all, which dropin are you gonna use behind the lenses? If its driven below 2A or so, it wont be really bright.

Second, where do you want the light? More flood or rather a nice tight hotspot with some colored spill?

If you want flood and have a strong XML dropin, use the lenses. If you prefer a tight hotspot, buy those dropins. I've got the blue one, pretty bright, but I suggest a driver swap. Those are only driven at 1A.

Color LED flashlights like the red and green variety offer very specific advantages. Red flashlights will allow you to see greater number of details. They are used by photographers or the military for night work. Green flashlights are very soft and makes the environment react to it, in this case animals and fish. That’s why hunters and fisherman use them.