Convoy C8 - Triple Luminus SST-40

You don’t need to go to great lengths to drive these emitters at close to their limit. I have a single SST-40 with a MTN FET+1 driver and basic spring bypasses that easily hits ~8A.

I’d guess you are doing at least 15-18A on turbo with an 30Q or similar, and so ~4500lm or more.

Got any beamshots?

I will see if I can get some beamshots up tonight!

Here’s the link for some beamshots. I can never get photos to post directly to the forum from a mobile device.

Unfortunately my phone camera does not accurately capture the intensity or brightness on high.

Sweet! I think your phone camera is doing just fine, but cameras in general don’t capture things the way we perceive them. It’s clear that it makes a lot of light and gets it downrange. It lights the the fence at the far side of the lot well enough that the lit window in the distance isn’t blow out.

Where did you get the MCPCB and what optic did you use?

You can use the Sofirn Triple Reflector in the Convoy C8 with the T-Pad Triple board also…here is my Triple Reflector Convoy C8 SST40…

I picked up the MCPCB from Cutter Electronics. Expensive shipping. The optic is a LEDiL Cute-3-SS that was wet sanded and polished with automotive headlight polish to produce the clear, smooth finish.

Sweet triple, good to know about the stock convoy host. I’m a big fan of TIR optics though. Love the beam characteristics.

Can you tell me about how you achieved that color combination on your light. It looks like it has been sanded and polished then maybe baked to change the color of the anodization??

It started out black, I got bored at work and turned the ano off on the Lathe, got bored again and baked it on the BBQ grill. Then built it with the 3xSST40’s, T-Pad Triple/Sofirn reflector.
Did the Sofirn C8F too…

Sweet light Kawiboy. What a way to make them your own.

Thanks Guys! :beer:

Awesome lights! I wish I had access to a lathe. I really want to remove the tailstand shroud around the rear button. That way the button protrudes out and is easier to activate with one hand. Similar to the surefire tailcaps.

Man, I wish I’d known about that XM Tpad. It doesn’t seem to be listed on Cutter now. How long ago did you get it?

I can’t find it on their website either. I picked 2 of them up this past spring. I would be willing to part with my spare if you’re interested.

Thanks. I made a 3x XM board by soldering 10mm sinkpads to a copper disc. It’s been a PITA. I still need to make low profile interconnects between them, but that shouldn’t be too bad. If I were starting at the beginning, knowing what I know, I’d probably take you up on it.

Just like I’d order a ready made spacer for my F13 host. Actually, I should probably do that anyway because they one I’m making still isn’t done and still requires a lot of file work…

Can you please explain to me what you did to get those C8’s looking like that? I ask because they only make one clear C8 which limits my choices. (I love the clear bare aluminum look!). I wanted to buy the sofirn C8F but they don’t make it in a clear anodized. If I’m able to take that off and make the sofirn into a clear version, then you sir will make me very happy!!

To strip the ano off completely I have used ZEP Oven and BBQ Grill cleaner.

The Convoy C8 was turned on the Lathe and then Baked and the Sofirn C8F was just turned on the Lathe.

Very nice work sir!
Do you know if you can buy the Sofirn reflector separately?

Try messaging Sofirn… I get what ever I need from them, they have great reps here on BLF! :+1:

Where did you get the TPad, KawiBoy1428?

Cutter. When they first came out….

First of way too many failed SST40 de-domes… :person_facepalming: