【convoy】Golden S3 available now

Hey Simon when will the new biscotti drivers be for sale?

Know what? In Italian language biscotti is the plural form of biscotto, which means cookie/biscuit. Thus…



several days later

In Biscotti, the default 5 levels are 0.1, 1, 10, 35 and 100%

On a 7135x8 = 2.8 Amps, this results in approximately: 0.003A, 0.028A, 0.280A, 0.98A and 2.8A.

For the SST40 version, what is the 100% Amps value? 5 Amps or 6 Amps?

Also, from what I understand, the original “Biscotti” driver does not have temperature protection (unlike “Bistro” firmware), so my question is this “Biscotti” for SST40 an adaptation of the original “Biscotti” driver — what I mean is, it tries to follow the similar brightness levels of the original Biscotti driver, but is not the same “Biscotti” driver?

Sorry if my question sounds confusing.

The firmware called biscotti is just flashed into that driver, so same functionality, other current output.
The max output differs from the 17 mm and 22mm, the 22 standard delivers upto 6A, where the 17mm maxes out on 5A. Also a 6A might be available.
Playing with sense resistors might help allowing to change the max desired output current (up to 8A)

I’m also wondering how it’ll go re: reflashing - I wouldn’t mind making some custom levels for it.

All the links to item pages are broken.
Edit: Never mind, it is an aliexpress problem. All item pages are broken.

Simon’s shop is closed for about a month.
Iirc he did this before, taking down everything.
(not this time though)

Happy holidays, Simon. :+1:

max 5A, it still has temperature protection

There were some C8+ on neals briefly with white flat 1 and I’d assume 5A driver - missed them, damn! Would be good to make one with either WF1 or WF2 (WF2 can handle more current IIRC, could do a resistor mod…)


It really depends what you’re looking after, a larger diameter head will give you a lot more throw, i have used a white flat in a C8 and placed it in a L21A later on, but the L21A gives a lot more throw with the same emitter (it is also driven harder now)

I really should make a mock-up of how big those lights are…

Question and suggestions (for Simon and/or anyone else).-

What are the actual (modder and tinkerer) differences between the classic 26650 L2 and the 21700 L21A? As far as I know, the L2 fits all 26650s, including the slightly wider, market leading Power Long Battery cells. However, I heard somewhere that the L21A has problems with some 21700 cells, i.e. the tube is too tight. If this is so, I would ask the machine shop to slightly widen the internal diameter of the L21A tubes (to ∅21.8 - 21.9 mm), modifying the drawings in the process, this way the L21A would be more appealing and trouble-free. Tip: Lishen cells are the widest I believe, at ∅21.7 mm with a single wrap, see just below:

Both fit ∅22 mm drivers with a little bit of filing, ∅21.5 - 21.6 mm driver bay. Don't know how deep is it but I guess very powerful buck or boost drivers can be used. 21700 extension tubes may appeal to someone.

I had problems with rewrapped 21700 cells like Sofirn, with L21A. 50E cells fit fine.

Got this driver on c8+ and just swapped sst40 for flat white andforgot to apply the led gasket when screwing the reflector bit so might have shorted the driver… now led comes on and off only 0.01 % brightness or something you can only see if you look at it…
Anyone experienced this? Can you reset the driver after shorting the output?? I ordered one from big but don’t want to wait to test the c8 light sabre with flat white.

Sounds like shorted driver. It can be fixed by replacing parts but thats pretty difficult.

Regarding which batteries fit… my experience:

The Convoy L2 won’t fit the Keeppower protected 6000mAh 26650, as per my test. Some 26650s are also tight (may fit when battery is pushed into the tube, but the battery won’t slide out when turning the tube upside down - so it’s that tight).

The Convoy L21A battery tube seems to suffer the same somewhat tight 21700 (it won’t fit the Sofirn 21700, Liitokala Lii-40A, nor iJoy 3750mAh 21700, as per my testing). Genuine Samsung 21700 and LG 21700 appears to fit.

new batch has 22mm inner diameter ,dont worry

6000mAH has unconventional size