Convoy L6... XHP70 Beast!

Yeah Dale that is also a neat feature, :+1: KISS! It blinks out the Voltage, 4 blinks then it hesitates then 2 more blinks for a full charge and then less blinks as the voltage drops! Just break the circuit at the tail cap to check!

I have the pocket clip on my MH20GT so it’s easier to simply break the connection between tube and head, a quick twist to loosen, twist it back together and the voltage blinks out. Quick and easy to see what’s there before heading out.

The MH20GT is beautiful with an Nichia 219C in it… :wink:

Or the head, but I was thinking the tail cap on the L6, for checking. :slight_smile:

A 219C in a mini thrower with beautiful tint, nice! :beer:

Absolutely agreeing, just expounding on some details.

Hey, I used to love McD’s coffee precisely because it was scorching hot. I could go out for lunch, get my goodies, eat my McFish or whatever in the parking lot at work while blasting some tunes, then wash it down with by-then perfect temperature coffee.

Now, I don’t even bother with the coffee, because by the time I’m finished eating, it’s barely tepid.

Nowadays, cars have so many interlocks you practically need to step on and hold the brakes just to change the radio station.

You need signs on the top of ladders telling you to stop climbing (I’m actually not kidding).

Hallowe’en costumes with admonitions on capes, “Caution: cape does not allow the wearer to fly”.

All these things that we see posted as “jokes”, are in fact quite real. Thanks to lowyers pursuing those cases, and idiot juries rewarding them with huge payouts.

Any pregnant women having hard times finding an obstetrician? Around here, lots are being driven out of the business because of sky-high malpractice premiums. Your kid gets born with 6 fingers on each hand? SUE!!! After all, the doctor must have screwed up, right?

(I should’ve warned alla youse to not get me started, but it’s too late…)

All I know is that I wouldn’t want my own business even if you paid me.

’Though to be fair, if the business were in China, you may have a shot. Suefire went around suing everyone in sight as far as patent infringements, but only those mfrs with established businesses (Foursevens, Fenix, etc.). The fly-by-nights in China who’d just take down their old sign and slap on a different one after getting sued, SF didn’t even think it was worth the trouble going through the motions of suing them.

Like these little doodads?

I was considering replacing the springs on my 105Cs with these, for exactly that reason. And maybe reduce the mechanical resonance of the battery boinging back’n’forth in the tube.


Today came my second L6, the clear one. Wow is all I can say, what a work of art. Almost never want to use it but I will

Just placed my order!! Now the waiting game begins :sunglasses:

Any idea when some more SMO reflectors will be available? I'd like two of them.

Just got the L6. Man it looks good!
It’s really an up scaled L2, with awesome performance.
I immediately tried the short tube from my l2 on it, man that feels good! I like it more than the long tube.
Unfortunately I have to give this one away…(see my giveaway thread) And since I already have a thorfire s70 I dont think I’ll get a L6 for my self. (or maybe I will…. :smiley: )

Glad you like it. It seems that a high percentage of BLF agrees on this light being used as the inspiration for the upcoming BLF GT. That’s quite a compliment. :sunglasses:

Yes sir! :+1: The L6 indeed evolved directly from the L2 and as you obviously know, has a few interchangeable pieces. The L2 short tube works of course but the new modders short tube (in production now BTW) will be even better for custom builds of both the L2 and L6. After a bit of discussion we decided to add 3mm to the length of the single tube to make it better suited to longer single cells and also better fit for a double stack of 26350. It will of course also incorporate the Convoy’s signature threaded tactical/simple ring combo (not previously offered on the short tube) for even more user “customizabilitation”. :smiley:

Such a ridiculous statement has no place on BLF sir. :expressionless: :stuck_out_tongue:

May as well just say you don’t need another flashlight because you already have one! :open_mouth: :zipper_mouth_face: :person_facepalming:

I like the Thorfire S70. It was my go-to light for chicken coop lookout until my L6 arrived. I used them both for a while to compare and contrast, trading one for the other. After a while though I simply had no interest in my S70. I actually came across it in my closet a week ago when I was packing for hunting. I don’t remember packing it away but I hadn’t even noticed it was gone. I’m not trying to slam the S70. It’s a perfectly respectable light, I just like the L6 that much better…

Oops, did I say that out loud? :person_facepalming:

Well truth to be told, I really dont have any use for that many flashlights. A C8 is all that I would need. But of course I’m a member here not because I need them but because I want them. :smiley:
I might get one with smooth reflector and the new short tube. I would like to put a xhp35 in it but I’m not sure if there is a driver that will meet my requirements. (2 cell bost driver with decent output.)
Or I could go with an other led of course…

Did you try the LD - 51 driver from your Group Buy ?, it transforms the L6 to a very different flashlight it is just to bad you can’t use the side switch, and 1,5 A is not much in the L6.

Whoops, forgot about that one…. LOL (still have 2 laying around somewhere…)
That one would be perfect if you could use a side switch with it and the output was 2A.

Can’t wait to place my order :slight_smile:

Was at a friends house in the mountains this evening and man did the L6 light up that forest. I don't know who was more stunned, my friend or myself. Turning it on in the living room at home does not do this flashlight any justice. Take it outside at night near a forest and it's a whole new world. I'm impressed.

Swapped in an MT-G2 on the L6. Magnificence! Needs more power though, but I’ll wait for the TA 30mm driver.

I have confirmation that both the new L2/L6 short tube and second batch of smooth reflectors are indeed in production now. They should be ready in a week or so. Keep in mind, this time of year is production madness in China which can lead to delays. I’ll drop another note in here and update the OP when they’re officially available.

My first ever L6 mod, it's the SE edition