Cool, just felt an earthquake for the second time in my life.

For god’s shake, not another punny thread!

Richter magnitude scale

That wasn’t an earthquake up in the northeast. That was all the Zumba hooker clients getting the heck out of Kennebunk before their names hit the presses… J)

Ha…ayup, tha’s good ol’ Maine, I’ll tell ya. Ya wan’ sum’a dis hee-ah lobstah?


I felt two in prior to Loma Prieta in ’89, one felt like a train rolling through next door, the other felt like the Jolly Green Giant had taken the house and shoved it.

I felt two in prior to Loma Prieta in ’89, one felt like a train rolling through next door, the other felt like the Jolly Green Giant had taken the house and shoved it.


Blame boobs.

Wow it was my first earthquake and I have to admit it was pretty scary. I was walking down the hall and the whole house shook horizontally for a good 10 second.

Thats some funny s#!t

We make our own in WY….

NOT THE SAME BLAST!!! But recently:

“The explosion was so large that seismograph stations at the University of Utah, 400 miles away from the Cordero Rojo mine, initially recorded the shock as a magnitude 4.3 earthquake with an epicenter north of Green River, 50 percent closer than where the actual explosion took place.”


A little horrific for me.I am afraid of natural disasters.

I’m glad I live in Wisconsin, nothing ever happens :). Only thing that happens, but never affects most people is tornadoes. You might get a dozen severe tstorms with only one having a tornado warning, and maybe one weak tornadoe coming out of that. But you never hear of it doing much destruction. No earthquakes, forest fires, tsnumais…

Sounds like your wife is trying to cover up her flatulance problem again.

Chicago X wrote……

I’ve been right in the middle of the epicenter of a couple of real big boobquakes in my lifetime and lemme tell ya, you’re never the same afterwards.