Coronavirus Just Beginning Outside China!

I find it scary more for political reasons than for medical reasons. The response is seriously affecting the freedoms of hundreds of millions of people. I’ve got mixed feelings about the justification this time, and general unease about the precedent demonstrated.

I’m not going to dismiss the medical concerns out of hand, but I suspect China has radically under-counted infections due to limited resources to diagnose, and limited self-reporting of mild to moderate symptoms. In other words, I suspect far more people have been exposed than we have counted, and the real fatality rate among those exposed is much lower.

I’ll let ya know…

(Sometimes it takes a while.)

Cash only right?

Okay I found it now. No, actually it found me! Muhahahaha :smiling_imp:

Huh? No way.

I put out a query, and am still waiting to “connect”.

Like I said, sometimes it takes a while…

If you don’t mind teenytiny screen sizes, you can find ’em on the yootoob (at least before some rat finks on ’em and has ’em removed).

Okay found it. When I saw “elite” and “outbreak”in description, then it worth watching :slight_smile: