diy hosts, an entrance into the world of flashlight modding and a look at cnqg's d5 host

Yeah it is. I would just take the original out and replace the whole thing with this complete unit. The clicky button is the same size, so I figure I just have to use the original brass retaining ring, and screw it all in. It might even give me a little extra space for protected cells.

Interesting place. I’ve never shopped here, and the shipping seems fair. The odd thing about that driver is that there is no outer neg. ring on it, so it would end up seated on some of its own circuitry.
I got my TorchLite yesterday so now I have o decide on a LED and driver.

Nice work there Gords

Bit hard on the old mince pies this small stuff :slight_smile:

there are two indents with brass linings, they are your ground points, in the torchlite, you use a 20mm contact board and lots of thermal pad, it works well with an xm-l :wink: for the totchlite though, I’d put the xm-l2 on a sinkpad, solder the sinkpad to the brass pill and use the 5a driver I used for the mtg-2 J)

thanks bones, you inspired to have a go or do I have to badger you some more? :bigsmile:

Nah Gords :bigsmile:

I’ve ordered some stuff from fasttech as it happens tonight couple of empty convoy hosts, emitters and such
When i’ve got some free time coming up get stuck right in, much more enjoyable than buying ready done.

regards B

The only place I can find an MT-G2 is at Cutter, and the shipping costs more than the LED.

yep, but it stays the same if you order up to 15 leds I believe….

some nice xp-g2 3d’s, xm-l2, a 3up or more, optics, there’s your order sorted, shipping looks much more reasonable now, thank me later :bigsmile:

nice work bones whats going in the hosts? and be sure to post build logs too. :slight_smile:

Going to do couple triple nichia 219’s with TIR optics I’m more neutral white and high CRI type
Must get my crappy camera sorted


nice plan, I want to do a few optic 3ups, I do have one set inbound but I fancy doing an m2 with 3up xp-g2 at 6a, should be quite annoyingly bright J)

sounds good J) Now’t wrong with bit more output XP-G2’s can give out some serious lumens


yup, 2a each is conservative imo, but when there’s three of em…. plus your getting into needing decent cells and a good serious look at the tailcap….ho hum. :bigsmile:

Otmen switches are regarded as the best quality mainstream its finding the right sizes that bugs me, and of course reliable switching action through the high current draw. the most i’ve seen places(like dx/cncq) is around 1.5amps max the search continues….

tell me about it. that said, for the cost of omtens vs the use it’ll actually see, its no biggie to buy a bag of them and just replace when it starts flickering lol