Do those UV LED fly killers work?

They might work for flies, they certainly don’t for mosquitos. They fly in on your CO2 breath and use IR from your body warmth for final approach. They’re not bothered with or by UV :smiley:

Mosquitoes are not attracted to traditional bug zappers and light, only CO2. However, UV light does attract those bugs that look like mosquitoes - midges as well as many other bugs. So, if you put up a bug zapper, all those insects you see swarming it are not mosquitoes unless you have a CO2 emitting trap.

The below link references 4 different studies which showed that these lights are really ineffective at killing female mosquitoes.

What I said
Thank you for providing sources. I find that a good ceiling vent, silently turning but displacing a lot of air is highly effective in both keeping one cool and disrupting their navigation and flight.

Yeah we’ve noticed that airflow confuses both flies and mosquitoes. Both appear to hunt using their sense of smell so running a fan throws them off. At our last kid’s birthday party, we ran a fan in the room with all the food with the fan pointing out to another room. We found that almost all of the flies flew to the other room (the direction the fan was pointed). Also works great in bedrooms at night if there are mosquitoes.

Bug zapper combine with CO2 works for this guy

I’ve never heard of a simple way to get read of mosquitoes. Other bugs traps and ultra sounds don’t work, plants and chemicals have a very limited range and efficiency outside… Although a couple big fans can help a lot, the only efficient devices i’ve heard of are CO2/pheromone/IR traps which are somewhat complex, often cost above $1k and need servicing - and i’d like to see how good they are in the open.

I wouldn’t be surprised budget DIY similar CO2 traps would come up on YT or else… and then chinese copies on BG, GB and others. Some may well work? We’ll see.

PS: RobertB post beat mine on the DIY part! :beer:

These Mosquito Magnets work incredibly well. My Brother had one. But you’re right, they are expensive. Not the kind of thing you want to leave running 24/7 either. More for if you entertain at your house, fire it up a day or two before the party and the mosquitos are gone.

Yes they are work. I use Electronic Indoor Insect Killer Zapper 20W and it’s work very well. So i use it on the my backyard.

I bought one of these for the front porc. It can get pretty humid at times in the summer where I live, so I needed something. You never actually hear a “zap” like old school bug zappers. The front porch went out recently so I pulled out the spare to replace it with and the old bulb was COVERED in various deceased insect bodies.

By the way! I found one more. It is a Pest Venator bug zapper bulb. Foud them on the amazon and on the site with reviews. So anyone try it?