Do you like cold temperatures?

Yes. Preferable to a S. Plains summer for sure.

4 degrees F here. I hate it.

Grew up in a temperate/colder climate, was never a problem because it only lasted a few weeks/2 months over DEC/JAN. However, I am about to exit my “younger years” and I can tell that colder weather has neutral to negative impact on my joints. No pain (yet), but it feels weird. Guess I am finally an adult…

Kirman. It’s 7.45pm here and sitting on 26/27c . was 35/36c during day.
Just niiice.

I put the heaters on at 21/22c. and they stay on till end of the winter.
Around 6 or 8 weeks.

I probably hate the cold so much cause as a kid. 70 odd yrs ago in North East of England. I can remember multiple minus 20c’s.
and out on Trawlers (I was a deckie for a few yrs)the spit that left your lips
would often crack when it hit the deck.
You didn’t p—-s outside.
I can remember the cooold creeping up my bones if you stood still in
a queue for too long. We did a lot of that during and after the war.

Australia IS a beautiful place. For multiple reasons. believe me.
From a cranky old ex Pom.

I am certainly more comfortable in the cooler weather, forgive my Celcius…I like it 18 degrees and cooler. And I can easily deal with the current –20. But I prefer it about 5-18 degrees.

But of course. Although since I live in the tropics, it’s a super rare treat and when it comes in force, it has two problems: one, we don’t have the infrastructure to deal with it comfortably; two, it precedes insane hot droughts where air conditioning barely helps and it’s difficult as all hell to breathe. Give me high humidity over desert weather any day, at least I can draw in air.

I’m dearly wishing to move to a mountainous location precisely because I enjoy cool temps. 25 and below is my jam, up to 32 is tolerable, but anything above that leaves me half-catatonic.

Bit warmer wouldn’t be a problem. But I like the absence of gnats and no-see-ums :rage:

Those disappear when it’s very dry, too. One of few things I like in non-rainy seasons.

Weather been screwy this past year round here. Wettest summer that I can remember. This the last month of Fall was colder than the first month of Winter. Now it just too DARN cold. –4°F last night and gonna be another day till it gets above freezing.

Mastered° Thank you.
My current temp is –7° F

The only place in the arctic as of 1/31/2019, 12:07 eastern standard time that is colder than my city is: Siorapaluk

I love cold weather when it is in someone else’s locale. I lived in four Midwestern states for about two decades and loved it way more than living on the east coast as a child where the high humidity added to the misery. After a winter of frozen pipes and frostbitten ear lobes in Ohio I got the chance to live and work in the desert southwest. It took a bit of acclimating to the summers but it sure beats shoveling snow and sub-zero temperatures. I can sympathize with my friends in the Madison WI area (Go Badgers!) who had floods in the summer and now dangerously cold temperatures this winter. It was 67 degrees and sunny yesterday.

I remember reading back in the day that russians would rub goose fat on exposed sink i.e. face when it became very cold. Need to find a goose now.

yes,see my thread! lol! We started our threads 18 minutes apart,were you inspired by mine?! lol!

P.S.My Husky CAPO would LOVE to meet your Squirrel!

Video from yesterday.

Dude I had no idea you started a post about cold temps. Cute dog. I bet he is a happy camper about the cold. Dogs rule. Squirrels are rulers of the trees however.

I believe you,Great minds think alike! :smiley:

True,sometimes those squirrels do NOT make it to the tree!! lol! :smiling_imp:

That is, until a grey clamps its incisors into Capo’s snout :smiling_imp:

lol! Right!

I have been trying to stop him from killing small animals. ALL on a standard 4 foot leash! With me being his accomplice at times.

5 Groundhogs

4 Opossums

2 Squirrels

Capo shed a few drops of blood from the sharp claws of a Groundhog.

None of the animals suffered,The Squirrels were polished of in a matter of seconds!

Did you ever have them get into your house? I have,they cause damage.I have only stopped CAPO from Killing G’hogs and Opossums,he can wipe out the whole population off squirrels and I would not shed any tears! Nothing but rodents!

That is my story! Time to hit the trail,Do not think I will see any squirrels tonight!..a little nippy.

I reflect the same sentiment. I am originally from the East Coast ( New York, Conn, New Jersey ) too freekin cold. Headed out West and stayed here.

i like cold but i get over it, below about 35
atlanta was 27 this morning, going up to 50 something friday
that is about right
