DX Gift Card Giveaway No. 11

Thanx for the chance!

I’m in, thanks !

I'm in Thanks

I’m in for a chance. Thanks.

I'm not in brted .

Just popped in to say thank you .

BLFers are known for their thrift

And through hundreds of flashlights we sift

It is so nice to see

The best things are still free

Thanks brted for your generous gift

Time to test my luck :wink:

I'm in. Thanks!

Thanks for the giveaway!

I’m in, thanks!

Thanks for the giveaway, brted!

I am in

Thank you!

Me too please.


I’m in. Thanks.

In as well. Thanks!

me want 1

Please count me in. Thanks!

Thanks as always Ted! Count me in :slight_smile:

I'm in, thank you.