END-(AMZ US) Sofirn SP36 BLF Anduril Deal

I keep missing these!

Lucky you..

Not one of these f*****g work.

I quit! LOL 5 days of copying and pasting is enough for me lol!

Any codes for those of us in the UK by any chance?

I didn’t even get to cut and paste before they were all gone.

Sofirn, can you please make a stainless steel lanyard ring for the SP36?
just as the FW3A, (but one hole would be enough for me)

They would have if you would have been the first one to use a code. One time use codes.

Is there a March 15th code? I took a internet leave and missed this?


Et tu, Brute?

Yeah... I know. Just being a brat!

I don’t think your a brat . 5 coupons a day on a international forum ?

Good point.

Wellp, like They™ say, “you snooze, you lose”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hoist by thine own petard

We received some PM and told us they want the code for SP36 BLF Anduril. So we will offer the discount 2 more days. The deals will will be closed on March 16 instead of 14th. Thank you for all your enjoy!

Day 6 ( 15th March 2020 )




CODE #4: TLX9-5S344U-4DR7AJ


yes, but i have no idea how much shipping fee you have pay.

Thank you :+1:

Thanks Sofirn. Went straight for code #5 and it was available.

To add some more context, I expressed interest in a code for this waaay back on 11/06/19 in another thread and on 03/09/20 a Sofirn rep took the time to PM me and offer a head’s up on these codes.

Then with all the shizz going on I forgot about it and ultimately thought I had missed out again until I saw this thread was bumped and found out they added two more days. Pretty sweet.