Can I get a new code for this GB?

I’m interested.


Also interested, thanks.

Thanks for code. Ordered one.

I would like the code please.

Just recieved mine, works great. Haven’t noticed any flickering at all. I haven’t tried the USB charging and don’t plan on using it.

can i grab a code if these are still available please

I’m interested, thanks.

looks like they might have updated the HR20,

the one i just received has a blue ring at the end where the dial adjustment is and also has USB written not USD.

ill try and take some photo’s later

charging it now to see if its any good

I am curious of their updates .

im also intrested, please pm me too, if the code is still alive…

Well, after some days using it, i have to say i’m quite happy with this flashlight, i had less and less flickering and when you have to change the output, the potentiometer is the fastest way ever !

The torch is very light and compact which is useful when you have to use it during few hours ( i often visit industrial sites )

The beam is extremely useful wide and throwy.

Quite happy. :slight_smile:

Im interested if its still available. Thanks

Interested if this is still alive

i’m interested too, if available or in a code.

I gifted mine to my brother. Meh

I just reviewed one of these, identified two causes for flickering (the larger one being anodizing making the tailcap connection unreliable - fixed with sandpaper) and swapped the emitter for a Nichia 319A. Banggood has a coupon code for $27.


do we still have the code?

Try the code from my review and see what it brings the price to. I think they’ve increased the base price a little, so it’s more like $33 than $27 now.