Good bargain.

FLASH SALE: $15 ($29.95)

Coupon: 399050

Awwwww, nice! With cell, yet!

If I weren’t hip-deep in AA lights (and already have 2-3 of these), I’d jump on 1-2 more of ’em.

Love the “pineapple” knurling on mine…

I love 'pineapple' too. I just started EDCing my TK05 last week because my TINI kept switching on by itself in my backpack. Definitely a good gift option for this Christmas.

I like the ’05 a lot more’n the ’06/’06S (mode order, memory, etc.).

Damn, I’m almost talking myself into getting a couple more anyway… :person_facepalming:

3000mAh 14500 battery. Hmmmmmm…….

Naw, that’s a “typo” (“pico”?).

Takes a 14500, but that’s a pic of an 18650. Look closely…

Ignore that battery pic.