Facebook etiquette?

My day isn’t complete unless I see pictures of cats or musings about Obama/Romney or silly pictures of my fake facebook friends’ kids. :slight_smile: I’ve done a pretty good job of weeding those folks off my list.
I still contend that the single most useful thing on FB is the “unfriend” tool. Someone said earlier that they use FB to connect with people and then move it to email if the found friend is worthy of keeping in touch with. I concur. The rest of it is usually cr*p.

That's what I'm talking about. Exactly.

Someone should write a poem about it. :bigsmile:

I have a very pared down list of friends on Facebook, but political comments are justification for me unfriending anyone. My sister-in-law wasn’t even posting anything political, just agreeing with someone else who had said something political. So she is gone. It’s not that she isn’t entitled to an opinion, but when people are stating things as facts that just aren’t true, I don’t need that, and it makes me think less of that person. So better not to know.

If it is a really close friend who you want to stay friends with, I think you can ignore their feed. Or you could let them know you don’t want to hear political posts or will have to unfriend them.

Given how divisive politics are today, I think people probably understand the need to get away from some of that.

Best thing I ever did was to ditch flakebook. What those guys said.


On Facebook

Your stories have made my eyes glazy

My memories of you are quite hazy

With your 'friend' request

I instantly guessed

That you have no real friends 'cause you're crazy

You post random crap the day through

How you get anything done I've no clue

You're on Facebook all day

We all work while you play

Don't you have something better to do ?

Another great poem! :D

An instant classic, Jack! Thanks for the laugh.

Exactly ...And yet suddenly i'm curious what did he have ??

I say if you ever signed up on facebook you're a nut

EDIT :: Ok I did ... but it was only for a flashlight :P

Hey, I resemble that remark....

Well at least I was thinking of you ...

Political commenting in Facebook IMO is OK, if and ONLY if it is done in moderate amounts and with good points in it without bashing blindly.

Alas, just about 1 or two of my friends do it on moderation.

A couple flood it, getting an opposite reaction in people even though they just might have a good point in their stuff.


What I do, is to publish some opinions about monetary crisis.

Maybe once a week or so.

Not going to take larger political stance there, most my friends are not thinking too many things from different points of view...

I did reply to a few ones I thought controversial. But I’d figure I can’t change the minds of the ones already commenting and posting. The original poster never replies back too since they post 1 every hour. Most likely if they don’t suit you, just un-friend them. If they really strike your nerves you should report them as “spam” or flag them as fake account. One thing I hate more than spammers is a person who is posting pictures of models as themselves and the idiots believer him/her.