FandyFire STL-V6 switch...This is what I need..Any ideas??

Maybe it's my eyesight or the picture but the solder joint here looks deeply wrong - looks like it has cracked away from the switch leg. A quick rework should fix that.

Good job! That’s the one but soldering skills are required.


It was barely touching the leg, and I redid it. Now its working sorta......when you tighten the tail cap up snug it don't work..any ideas?? Great eyes guys!!!

if you resoldered it , both sides, and it doesn't work it could be a bad switch ( internally).

when you compress it thats when it can show the failure. i would just get the switches

in fact i need to get some too - what can you do ?

... a non working flashlight really isn't a flashlight at all ...


Some switches refuse to work if tightened down too much - try backing out the switch ring a little. I have at least one light that won't work if the switch ring is too tight.

Thanks guys for all your help and searching for the switch for me. What a great site.