[♛ FreemeGB] Haikelite MT09R 3x XHP70.2 25,000lm & 3x XHP35 Hi 6500LM Flashlight Group Buy -【 ACTIVE 】

If u r in US, illumn sell 30q button top for $5.5 each.

It might be worth it to invest in a simple soldering iron. With some rosin core solder you can solder blob your own cells plus a lot more. Every flashlight enthusiast should learn to solder. Plus there are tons of videos online showing the techniques.

Are you using the timed stepdown?

I’ve never used the timed stepdown option, but in checking my notes for the Q8 (uses similar NarsilM v1.0 instead of v1.3) the timed stepdown only happens once. If you kick it back up your basically overriding it. I bet that is what is happening in your situation.

I’ve always gone with the temperature based step down on my Narsil lights. Or just use my hands to know when to ramp it down. :smiley:

I did Temp step down. In my vid you can see.it dropped from turbo fast, wasnt hot…hit turbo again…never stepped down.

Here are some notes from the Q8

I was in ramping…so it seems you have to wait 45 sec to hit turbo again so the sensors can adjust.

Did you follow my video? The light turned on to turbo and you clicked when it felt hot enough?

Also, make sure you start off with a completely room temp light. If the light has already been on turbo shortly before, the internal parts will still be hot while the external parts might feel cool and this can mess up your settings.

You have a video? I will have to be carefull with this light…might just use stock turbo. Thanks

Maybe? I’m not clear on it.

From my understanding, the light will do it’s first stepdown at your set temperature. Then it will not check the temperature again until 45 seconds have passed in order to allow the light to cool a bit.

I know Texas_Ace had a tough time setting the thermal limits on his hand built and tested drivers he made for the earlier lights.

The MT09R is not like most lights. It heats up way faster than a normal light due to the extreme amps it pulls. Having the temp sensor built into the driver, while practical for most lights, is borderline usable in these lights.

I bet Texas_Ace can shed some more light on the situation.

Yeah, I posted it here.

I wonder if your right, maybe TA will know, i juat want to be safe…and OTHERS also, YES she heats up really fast.

I watched it…thats how i did mine, glad i didnt burn anything…lol…i was thinking TA snt the vid to me.

Like Jason said it would seem that it was in timed step down mode from how you described it, in which case it only steps down once IIRC.

I have kicked thermal step down back to turbo countless times and never had the thermal protection not kick back in on any light I have tried it on, which is hundreds at this point.

I would do a factory reset on the driver (the instructions are in the manual), then try the stock thermal protection as is and see what happens. If you have an IR thermomotor that would help.

It is possible that your MCU temp sensor is bad but unlikely.

Also, for the record, this light on turbo should heat up very quickly, maybe 30 seconds on turbo. That is the nature of a 150-200 watt flashlight in this form factor, nothing that can be done about that.

I’ve been planning on learning once I have space to do so.

Interested in a XHP70.2

I did the Thermal Stepdown, were it goes to turbo and you hold it to your desired preference.then shut it off… but i will reset it. Thanks

Make sure to do it on a room temp light.

If the inside is still hot, but the outside is cool, it may set the temp limit higher than you realize.

Coupon for a black cw 70.2 please and thank you

I will try that


I did not receive a coupon yet, but I’m still interested