GearBEST's Sale . Rovyvon A5 $15.99 . Convoy S21 $15.99

Ordered the Utorch XPL V6 Stepless dimming (with the provided coupon) the 19th of october and some other Zanflare chargher*s* the 26th of the same month, but Gearbest doesn’t seem to bother shipping them.
Any ideea why? It’s upsetting.

I was the same but i messaged gearbest rep and they said theUtorch XPL V6 Stepless dimming will be shipped on 11 November 2018.

just hang tight :slight_smile:

Thank you, Nicolicous.
I expect their answer as I opened a ticket.
This is not ok at all. I wanted to give the flashlight as a gift (this month) to someone. :rage:

Can i get code for utorch xpl v6 NO stepless dimming please.

Thank you Fin17.
I submitted some tickets and they are refunding one of the order (the one placed the 26th of Oct.) since they are not able to ship it until the 15th of Nov.
The other one it’s a bit hazy. It appears not shipped yet, yet they gave me a tracking number…

Utorch XPL V6 NO stepless dimming
The code you entered has expired

Is there a code for Liitokala Lii-100?

Could I get the code for the Wuben TO46? Tnx!

Fin, do you read my PM because the Xiaomi items??


Can I have the code for Utorch XPL V6 NO stepless dimming please?

Hi Fin,

Do you have a code for: Utorch UT01

Hello. is there any discount code on nitecor tm26gt.

Hi Fin17,

Can you please tell me what is right and what is wrong?

According to the advertisement for the EC4GTS the batteries are included, see picture here:

But according to the specs chart of Gearbest they are not included. I'm not sure what the more reliable information is.

Hello. Un the ODF30C does the battery come with it? Seeing the description of the article says yes, but later says no

on GB is just over $ 200

I just saw it but I noticed it too late. Weird only that over $ 200 are available And the promotion is over. is it possible that there will be some art in the promotion?

May I have code for Utorch XPL V6 stepless dimming .
Thank you.

Hi - can I have the Utorch UT01 code if available please.

Hi – can I have the codeUtorch XPL V6 stepless dimming