Giveaway! Haikelite MT09R: what is your favourite colour?

Ugh, that’s not happy news.

The Zen way of looking at it is that I’m getting what I paid for, but it’s still a letdown.

Wonder what happened to Dale? With the charlie foxtrot going on, did he pop a coupla beers and slide down the emergency chute or something?

:partying_face: … :disappointed: … :zipper_mouth_face:

Several interpretations are possible, but one of them is that the fail rate of all the lights that were sent out is 100%. All the 35 perform well below advertised, and all (maybe) lights have a component (capacitor) on the driver that seemingly no one knows what purpose it has, and probably only causes (potential) problems.
So, Haikelite is probably trying to retrieve all lights and mod them, while cancelling current order of flawed drivers, etc. The mass production of the SC26 seems to be delayed as well, and so is the charger/power bank.
Organisation wise it’s like a few people trip at the end of an escalator in a mall for example. The escalator keeps feeding new people who will trip over the tripped etc. The mess accumulates.
It’s just going to take time… I really don’t want to give false hope, but my guess is that you will eventually receive your lights.
The first group buy from Haikelite was with the MT07 and MT03. That was one big disaster, but eventually things were (somehow) resolved (from what I’ve read) even though it took several months for some to receive a new driver.
I’ve got both MT09R and MT07S next to me as I type, and cannot think how desperately I want Haikelite to succeed. But I also have my limits, so I’ll wait some more.

Communication, is the keyword here but it seems like Chinese companies just don’t get this… :frowning:

I honestly like their light designs and do hope for them to succeed with the business. However their lack communication or rectifying the issues is just bad business Im afraid :person_facepalming:

To me personally this was my biggest complaint of the first group buy that went sour. Back then they were really new in the business, so I can understand how things went terribly wrong. But then they just disappeared, there was no communication whatsoever to the community, zero, nada, nul. And it appears this is happening all over again.

That’s what I’m hoping, too. Forget the giveaway, even, just by not getting people lights that, well, work, would be a huge black eye for HL.

I get the whole “get ’em out the door asap” idea, but still…

OT question…

That whole deal with lights-for-donations after that hurricane kinda killed Texas and the surrounding area, remember when Lumintop was offering a bunch of Tools, and there was lots of wailing and gnashing of teeth when they never materialised?

Did any of those lights ever ship?

Just curious if there was ever any fallout about that.

No idea, first time I read about this. Perhaps you can check out that thread?

Looked, couldn’t even find it, so dunno if it got deleted. Tried terms like “hurricane”, “harvey”, etc., and was coming up dry.

Hmm, maybe one more go at it…

And of course, now I find it in like 10sec… :confounded:

Guess not. Still seemed to be some acrimony over the vapor-lights, but that was the extent of it.

I noticed it was locked also. Strange for a thread to be locked with no apparent reason around here…

Happy day, happy day! I just got my ’09R!

It’s going to be torture to have it sitting here staring at me ’til I can get it home and feed it 4 cells, but…

More tomorrow!

It’s silver (“white”?) instead of green, but still looks sharp, so I’m not complaining.

I feel like the Statue of Freaking Liberty holding it. :laughing:

J-U-S-T—A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!! :beer: :smiley:

Wow…. great news to hear the light you won finally arrived! :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:
You got the white one ? …. hmmm maybe they sent you mine because I won the white one. :zipper_mouth_face:
Well, in that case yours (the green one) must be on the way to me…. :smiley:

I hope you get yours soon too Icarus! :beer:
And congrats on the Bronze. :beer: :smiley:

Bronze??? :open_mouth: … whatever color I get is fine… but in order of preference I hope it will be green, dark blue, bronze, white, black… :stuck_out_tongue:

Soccer… hehe. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yah, that went over my head, too.

I associated bronze with 3rd prize, or members of the MFP.