got a defect nitecore TIP / TIP CRI?

M4D, if you think my post above is a rant, I will delete it. Just reporting the facts.

I got the same exact reply from him, at first he acknowledge the problem since i provided the video of my TIP on the first mail. after asking for the shipping cost thats the exact reply he gave me. He insist that i’m the only customer with this problem and the rest of the world who bought this product received the updated version.

Arrived now my Tip Cri 240 lumens. Bad luck for me, 3 nitecore TIP , 3 Nitecore TIP defectives……(one sample, one from hkequipment and one from banggood). I will not make any video…. I’m really upset….Fix something for me that I cover this form …?

Email sent- 1 defective tip

Hey guys!

please mail me also orders from other shops than banggood to help us find the pattern

With all respect, shouldn’t there be more concern devoted to the buyers in our very own Banggood Group BuyThread that did not receive the “upgraded” Tip? Banggood will not care one way or the other about a “pattern” of defective merchandise from other vendors. How does this help us here at BLF?

I left a message in the Illumn group buy thread weeks ago and never got a response from them!

I see that. I think that was before he wised up and started testing his stock. Irregardless, you have a valid complaint.

I’ll give Calvin the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he didn’t see it? I’ve always had excellent customer support from them in the past.

Damn, all 3 tips i received faulty. (All from Banggood, CRI 240lumens) Sent you an email.

Maybe that is the pattern.

there are also V1 sent by other companies...

Since the defect is known and it is still a lottery to purchse…Everyone should buy their Tips on their own soil. Will facilitate any long distance return problems. I’ll gladly pay more for a correct and proper working item. My next Tip purchase will be from USA Vendor. Don’t get me wrong. China vendors are fine. But with defective Tips floatin’ round and if you live in USA why bother with China Connection on this one item plagued with defection?

Well done Martin, that's a serious response from BG's rep at BLF. :THUMBS-UP:

Email with info about 1 - TIP CRI Blue sent. :+1:

though Lumen Tactical aka Nitecorestore, Illumn, and Andrew&Amanda have shipped V1 Tips, they accept returns.

Bangood uses a script that denies returns.

Illumn has reported that they seemed to find a pattern that certain colors were V1, and other colors were V2, but then they found that some colors they had in stock were mixed, both V1 and V2 in the same color.

the only pattern I have discerned so far is that V1 and V2 stock is Mixed together.

Bangood has stated that they have checked their Tips and are only shipping V2, when in fact many posters are receiving V1 Tips from Bangood.

Bangood is dishonest and makes returns difficult if not impossible.

I sent a video to BG showing the red blinks in lockout mode and asked for a new light or a refund. Now they want me to press both buttons at the same time to see if it blinks. :person_facepalming:

Other brands launch new models like this, but without lockout mode, will the people accept this?….perhaps people that now are angry with Nitecore will buy the other brand without lock out mode, ha,ha.