Group Buy --- aaa BASS/Stainless Steel Keychain Flashlight! Insane price, but very limited!

Email sent. PM details please. Also levels for each mode. There seemed to be a couple.

Prices, & info Please, including seller and LED type.

Info copper/ss pls.

price please

Prices, please!

Need to get with a member who may already have one.

If anyone already has one PM me please.

I checked the price with the code you provided and it seems more than fair.

I would like to say this as you asked for feedback.
The average consumer has no clue what any of the detailed information about your product means.
Most don’t know a lumen from a lemon. That said, your avrage Amazon shopper is looking for a deal, just ask my wife.
My point is for an avrage consumer I would adjust my retail or Amazon price.
Just an observation and my humble opinion.

pricing info please …

price and code

I’m interested in the copper version!

here is the brass Worm link: and the coupon code: BS60CODE

here is the SS Worm link: and the coupon code: WS70CODE

the code have publish. feel fee to purchase.