Group buy for BLF light . See new payment thread for further details.

Two modded lights made by you. With both dedomed and on sinkpad. Both on copper. And 4 extra drivers
Shipped in usa

1 host to me directly please. Thanks

Put me in for 1 flashlight, modded by you w/ sinkpad, plus 2 emitters, 2 drivers and this. Thank You

Ok I’m just updating the thread an giving it a bump. If anyone just wants drivers or emitters they can do that as well. The seventh is the last day for ordering and after that I’m going to set up a payment thread. To sort out payments and any last questions before I place the order.

I’m not sure how long it will take everyone to pay, but as soon as everyone has paid I’ll place the order.

I would like two complete kits, shipped directly to me. I’m excited to build my first flashlight! After I build mine successfully, I’ll build the other one together with my son.

Thanks for putting all of this together for us!

Can we add drivers and emitters to our order ???

You will have to set a date to close out payment.

Yep add as many as you want. I’ll set a date I’m just not sure yet what date to set. I’ll give a fair amount of notice.

-I am in for a complete kit shipped directly to me. I’d love to have it modded by you, but the shipping costs are a killer for me :frowning:
I hope the pill is not hollow, It’s not possible to see It in the pictures-
EDIT: I am not included in the list yet, so i´ll change the order, i just want two drivers. If there´s any problem with the change let me know and I will take the previous order

Did we sort out a emitter size? Is it 14mm or 16mm?

It’s not just the typical pill.


can you put me down for
1 C10 kit and extra 5 drivers… shipped directly to me


Post would double the price for me. Plus I want the chance to ruin it myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not that 18sixfifty would ruin it.

Two kits shipped to me.
Thanks for organizing 18sixfifty.

Can you put me down for 5 emitters please.I don't fancy a c8 at the moment,but great job organising the GB.

I just noticed the:

Can we add items other than the driver, host, emitter?

If so, how would you like that information presented (this thread, pm, note in payment, etc)?

1 - host

3 - emitters

5 - drivers

Yep you can add anything you want. Just make a note so I know what you are buying.

5 - emitters
5 - drivers

Sent to me, thanks

Can I add 2 more emitters to my order? My final order would be:

1x host;
4x emitters;
2x drivers.

Shipped to me.

Thanx! :bigsmile: