Higher dollar lights at 20% off

Hey Summer:

I guess calling Brted the Dino isn't working ..I think they are onto us ..

I need out ...

My cover has been blown

You promised me some Nitecores and a New Identity ... The heat is on ...

Don't leave me in this tar pit ...help me ..Throw me a bone !

I re-bought the FenixE21 and have considered the nitecores and sunwaymans,Klarus etc ..

BUT I do get a company discount (shill) you all don't recieve...:P

DD shipment is very slow! The whole cycle is approx 1 month or more.

I have had pretty fast shipping from DD. they already shipped the light I ordered yesterday. Manafont, KD AND DX have not shipped my orders from the day before. I even got a picture of the item.

well, i promise i do not know Boaz, and as i said he is just one of our customers. And i promise he does not work for us, so i hope you do not joking on Boaz again, if you do not believe this, you can ask the admin to check our IP. I just want to clarify this, not bring any inconvenience and trouble to the members here.

But (in my opinion) it's a bit cheeky pushing 'special deals' in the 'General Info' section rather than in the 'Commercial Sellers' or 'Deal Alerts' sections.

im pretty sure boaz had some nitecores they bought bulk and put a deal out here

found it here

id say maybe they were thinking of doing it again

Don't worry Summer, we are joking about Boaz.

At least I was...

I was just kidding, too. Boaz can make a joke, and obviously take a joke as well.

(Though I would like to know how he got ESPN...)

haha, that is nice

Hi Summer.......these sort of posts belong in the Commercial Sellers Section


HA Ha that is nice ....... .......


..... come on use some periods ........... like bullets .......rattatattat !

My ads would look like this

......20% off everything in the store .....

our flashlights don't suck .....

shut up and buy one ....

see the difference ?????

I can't be Summer .......................I still think she's a girl :P

i am sorry, made a mistake to post it in wrong place, i will remove it .

Sorry ..Not the case ..the ez AA's came from a guy in australia who blew out nitecores on cpf ..Old4570 got a nitecore from the same guy ..I snagged 7 D-10's from him and 29 ezAA's.. The 44 Ex-10 nitecores came from the fire that Battery Junction had in their warehouse .. As far as why this question is in general info isbecause it's just a question ..and yeah it relates to dino directs deals..If it were my forum ..the leading catagory would be deal alerts ..

So the question remains ..At what price are you interested in higher end flashlights ??

Same question was asked last year ." Would you buy Olights at half off ?? " Everyone knew it was about lights at Country Outfitter .. Hey !!!..a deal is a deal

As far as Summer having to go get in her cage ..I think that's a bit harsh ... i'm interested in vendors who want to talk and participate

I also think dino direct has done alot here to clean up their act ..I'm obviously not a shill and if someone wants to pay me to hock lights for them ..It won't be for pennies or points or 20$ a year for referals either .....

this guns not for hire

* I like that summer has clearly decided to distance herself / himself with me ... Good move lol :P

*** hey summer edit means delete not putting lines thru your post ..

I wasn't joking about Boaz

jk lol

C'mon Boaz.......Dropping posts that offer 'Special deals' on 'Tablet PC's, Phones and Home and garden accessories into a flashlight forum is usually treated as 'Canned spiced ham'....even in the Commercial Sellers section.

As far as I'm concerned every advance by DD in cleaning up their act seems to be offset by another 'honest mistake'.........or just plain dodgy behaviour.