hkequipment – GIVEAWAY - BLACK FRIDAY...Fenix 15th Anniversary Flashlight

A blf giveaway should be local to blf, and not require joining other internet sites.

Well, you live in sweden, so you officially have just as little privacy as everyone in the US and Canada do.

ISPs record telemetry of everything that happens over your internet connection or phone connection, and the government has the power to ask for any of that information without a warrant.
Also unless you’re using linux your OS also takes telemetry, and so do search engines, browsers, and even websites themselves (for example reddit records all the clicks you do)

Hopefully you use a VPN, tor, linux, and no telephone too if you’re that concerned about privacy.

Please don’t remind me… :rage:

One important thing, often forgotten, is to leave a normal trail.
If there is nothing or too little, the authorities will take an interest in you :innocent:


I have Facebook :confounded:
Liked and shared, My lucky number: #33 THX for the giveaway!

Don’t use FB also. Wrong marketing now especially for the forum I think.
Like hkequipment.

I think there is 42

facebok is the debble


I say: 40

Facebook — look closely!

I’m going to say 37

But I’m thinking 1984

I don’t do Facebook either

True that.

What is facebook? Is it something to do with tweeting? Will I have to wear a budgie costume?


I would guess 32

Well said! I agree 100%. :beer:


I would say 37.