How do you rate the London Olympics Opening Ceremony?

Didn’t watch any of it, won’t be watching any of the events, still too annoyed about how much money is being wasted on this crap. |(

i loved it!

from vancouver, bc

Her Majesty’s 2 dogs have a better life than me…… :cry:

Was waste of time.
Just flush the craper butt the smell will still Linger.

I sympathise and in part agree. But its a done deal so I reckon we may as well get as much from it as possible and there are some sports I like watching. One thing I can never get my head around though is the triple jump. Who the heck thought a hop, skip and a jump is a sport !!! If it is then why not the Egg and Spoon race or the Three Legged race……… :bigsmile:

Hopefully most see it as more exciting than what your queen seemed to.—oly.html

I was going to say that I’d rather see the money wasted in this country (and help stimulate the economy to a degree), than see it used for blowing innocent people out of their beds in foreign lands, but as that would constitute political discussion, I won’t :slight_smile:

I believe someone is going to get into big trouble for that….

Why would they get in trouble?

Don’t own a TV - What’s the Olympics? Do they use Maglites? LOL

Meh .

I would have done it better

I liked the stadium light show and the pyro’s.

I was most thrilled when I saw the Queen, Its a pitty there wasnt more scenes with here.

Really, I watched only representaitions passing through, that interested me, there was lots of beatuful chicks there :slight_smile:

Mr Bean!

Hehe,. Chinese destroy in swimming, Im happy for them :slight_smile: