How to Celebrate Woman’s Day

Good Love,If there are also Candle power dinner,It will be romantic.

Thank you,eleven.For me,I am a women,so I think that is really enough.

None. See the answer to your next question.

No. Didn’t give it a thought till just now… ok that moment is passed.

It is?!? Worst case... well let's just say she has hot single friends and sisters.

Ooops trying to make me think of it again... that moment passed too.

Aren’t you sweet. Have any cute sisters?

LOL.Sorry,baterija,If you think I am sweet,maybe I am really sweet,I have an other sister.

But doesn't Woman's Day come 9 months after Man's Day ?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Not if you are lucky (or careful).

Though I still say "everyday is Woman's Day. My wife thinks so too!