I just blew in from the now deserted island of CPF!

Welcome, Sanders.

welcome to BLF Colonel. What is CPF?

C'mon, we all know what CPF stands for:

CPF : Can't Properly Function

CPF is where Corrupt Profiteers Flourish.

Sorry Grunta! (not really)

I laughed

Nono, it's Gretta's motto: Can't Possibly Frack...


A lot of us were/are using CPF, but this might change...

I just discovered this place myself and for the same reason. From just a quick look around it seems much more open and friendly. It's funny how often good things come from something that, at first, appeared bad. If CPF hadn't gone down, and for as long as it has been, I may not have ever found or visited this site.

Welcome to BLF Luvbelly.

Hello and welcome to BLF, luvbelly! There has to be a story behind your handle....

Welcome aboard luvbelly


Greta shut it down so she could delete some threads.

"Love handles", I'm sure. Welcome to BLF, luvbelly.

OMG, so f'n funny. Thanks.

Props go to my friend JB on that. I have a few more Greta memes that I'll post up as needed.

Welcome to the better forum! You'll love being here!

Aloha and welcome to BLF Colonel Sanders!

Cool, my new desktop wallpaper! Surprised

Don't let the wife & daughter see that!
