IF I order any more flashlights made in China......

I don't know much about viruses. But just to be on the safe side... what is the best way to clean your incoming packages and flashlights?

Does alcohol kill them?

Does UV light kill them?

Just asking

Welp, I’ll be sure not to buy any food that says “made in China”

I use it as a fleshlight right outta the box and then I wipe it down

This might make you feel better:


I dont worry about it. I certainly don't have my head in the sand but I don't believe any of the BS, drama and outright lies of the mainstream media any more. They blow everything up into obsession and panic.

I knocked off processed foods and sugar (more addictive for me than crack) and self talk my immune system. Always have. My wife is a retired RN so we do normal preventative measures and that's it.

Get your (last year’s) flu shot. Better than a paper mask.

Would irradiating the package in UV minimize the hazard.

Been thinking, I don’t really need any more flashlights (from China), at least not until
The fatalities “die” down. LOL.

New flashlight brand name - CootieFire

For those who did not grow up in the USA- “Cooties is a fictitious childhood disease, used in the United States and Canada as a rejection term and an infection tag game”


“Cooties” are lice and not fictitious in the least.

Lol, cooties are lice, ROFLMAO

In my lifetime, and everyone that I know, cooties are imaginary germs a little boy gets if he comes in contact with a little girl, or vice verse. Usually a specific little opposite sex person that is actually liked. Silly nonsense kids do.

Excellent description, a fun imaginary thing, ‘Sally kissed Billy now Billy has girl cooties’ ooooh, Billy touched you, now you have cooties too! oooh, don’t touch ME, I don’t want those nasty ol girl cooties! Mommy, Joey is touching me!

I’m already worried since Malaysia has 3 infected suspects coming from Singapore from China
And I got a slim wallet coming to me soon from china

I miss Boaz and Lightbringer’s response sofar :smiley:

About Corona viruses, they will not surve long enough outside a host, so your flashlights are are fine as long as they are not packed together with a live chinese cobra or a bat.


Did you know nasa did tests on some devices retrieved from the moon & found dormant cold germs on them!

Me too. Though, I have to be careful not to turn it up too high, since I certainly don’t want a burn there!

Those germs were Streptococcus bacteria, not viruses, and in 2011 a close look at how those results were obtained back in the days totally busted the research: the retrievement of the equipment from the moon was done in a completely non-sterile way, the bacteria simply got there during or after the trip back or even during the tests that were done in a non-sterile environment :person_facepalming: .

Will warmer weather end the virus like it does flu?

You don’t want Coronavirus, don’t drink Corona. Simple.

And no one will ship me 18650s anymore unless they’re inside a chinese cobra. Some new postal regulations or something…