Impressions about “Mini C8s”

The M8 will definetly fit in a C8 holster and will be way to big for a M8.
By the way there is another light that is even smaller than a M8 but puts out about as many lumens if not more and throws as far for a fact, and it’s on sale right now I noticed… BLF X5


The M8 barely fits their holster but it works and is clean looking.

M8 about 75 yards to the wall

Thanks Lightbringer for the suggestion :wink:
I will try first with my soldering iron a bit of patience :smiley:

If even with that I’m not able to unsolder it, I will use the lighter :smiling_imp:

Thanks T18 for the photos. There is a real difference bewteen the C8 and M8 and then bewteen the M8 and the X5.
Please, can you tell me the visible difference between the distance range of the M8 and X5?

I guess that despite the heads up on that I will probably go for the M8, as it can take a 18650, therefore, more runtime.
It will be a backpack flashlight, mostly, but despite that I want it to hold the light sometime if needed. (And I know that Jaxman drivers are nice for that, so I still don’t know if I will change it…)

Thanks in advance :wink: :+1:

The M8 would be your best choice, I had forgotten you didn’t care for 14500 lights but that X5 is a good one, direct drive and throw is about the same as the M8 just a little less spill than the M8.
The M8 is hands down your best choice if going the C8 style with 18650 and the light is easily modified.
Just thought I’d show you some pics so you can get the real image or perspective of what the light looks like in the Jax holster as well.
It is also one of my favorites obviously.
Get some solder wick, lay it on top of the solder and then lay the iron on top of the wick and it will suck up the solder nice and clean.
Make sure you tell the owner Paul what kind of modes you want in the light, it’s a star type driver and it comes with low, med. high and strobes stock, you can have him change that for you to something like low, med, high and no blinkies or you can do it yourself, lots of info around about which star to connect to the outer ring to get what type of modes.

Thanks again for the tips T18! And most, thanks for the pics, they are really nice to have a notion of sizes!!
Honestly, on this case, I prefer the 18650 due to the ability to run it for longer times! But I do like the 14500s (I really do) and I was surprised to the see the size of the X5, as I thought it was bigger and larger!! I wish it’s head was slimmer :person_facepalming:

Yeah, I will notice him to put the 3 modes (L-M-H) and I hope I like it when it arrives! If not, a “surgery” will be waiting for it! The light seems very solid, so I hope it performs well on distance!

I’ve been wondering if the Cool White will be better over the Neutral White, as I wan’t something that doesn’t annoy me when looking to clear places. I will probably get the NW version XPL-HI.

The picture of the Jax M8 next to the Convoy C8 is interesting. :+1:

Your very welcome MascaratumB, I have every light Jaxman has ever made, actually have about a half dozen of each, they are excellent quality lights, the ano is real solid, the electronics are alright but the key to their product is their reflectors, absolutely top notch and that’s the heart and soul of a light IMHO.
Personally I always get the NW tints, Jaxman’s CW tints are ice cold cool white to me and by the way pay attention to the tint you click on, he is always getting them screwed up, might say one thing and you’ll get something else, so what I do is when I place an order I mention my preference of tint again with the order along with the modes L-M-H and Neutral white, something like that.

That X5 will throw as far as the M8 believe it or not, the X5 driver and UI was designed by our people here, the ATTiny25V-based driver with off-time capacitor
and FET+7135 power channel configuration for the tail light switch.

T18, sorry for the late reply on this! I saw the message (even the edited part) but wasn’t able to reply in due time!

You must have a nice Jaxman collection there :wink: The impressions I’ve got so far are like you said, nice quality inside and outside the flashlights!
So far I only bought their triple MCPCBs with XP-G2 and their optics for some mods, but the next step will probably get the complete lights :wink:
And I will also get the NW version of XPL-HI. It will throw well and will not be as cold as CW tints.

Normally I send messages to the sellers before buying on AliExpress, and I will reinforce the specs I want for mine (tint and UI).
I also wanna get a new E3, but I’ve been waiting for the 3 modes driver version… so far it seems to have only 2 modes…

And you’ve certainly let me thinking about the X5… :person_facepalming: I’ve been using some lights with the BLF driver and like at lot. I will think about getting one of this! Not now, but in a near future :smiley:

This place really makes my wallet hurt :money_mouth_face:

Once again, thanks for the information and kindness! :+1:

BTW, do you have any idea if a forward switch can be installed on this light?
If my plans go right, I’d like to instal a forward switch on it, but being taller than the reverse switch, I don’t know if I’ll have the room for that on this light!
Thanks in advance :wink:

Great thread, I’ve been looking at these for a while, learned a lot here, thanks everyone!