Funny, I have a drz400sm with an AGM battery. AGM batteries self-discharge about 3% per month if left unconnected, but this value is dependent on temperature and it's less when colder. This self-discharge rate is about half the value of a regular starter battery(antimony). The thinner plates and greater surface make it more susceptible but enable greater instantaneous output(for starter motors). The thing with motorcycles is that there are electronics and leakage currents that take a toll. My DRZ is dead in 3 months. Hence, I keep it on a battery tender during the winter months.

And yes, AGM has 5-10% more energy density than standard lead-acid by both volume and mass.

Yeh, it's a fun bike. After getting away from from sportbikes because I scare myself with them, I decided to go for something fun, cheap and reliable while keeping the power levels on the low side. I should be riding, but my work and school schedules are rediculous. I'll be riding soon. Have you been out yet?

How do you like the bandit? Which size? I may go for something like that for longer rides and so my wife can go occasionally. Or maybe an FZ1.

motorcycles don't have leakage ...I have a drz800 one i locked the forks to trialer it home and broke the key of in the lock in small circles on my new bike ..drz's come with a electron funnel ..At the end of each riding season it's best to take out your battery and just throw it against the wall .. new drz's come with battery coupons for 5 years .. or 5 batteries .. oh yeah after I got the key made off of the broken key ..My battery was dead .. who would have guessed a trip around the inetrnet and local battery places drove me to the wild kingdom of batteries ..Wonderful wally world supplied my already modified battery box with a shiney new 24$ 7 amp battery I screwed up and let battery acid drain out on my swingarm so at some point I need to seriously sand buff and polish them or just replace the reverse ikuzus stickers i had pulled off solved the problem by putting a 2 foot hose over the vent hose and looping around and tucking it under the battery box .i liked the bike so much I bought it twice and still didn't pay what you paid ... hehe :) .. stinking battery vampires ..Oh yeah like you don't know .. you can ride your bike abourt 40 miles or you can just go down to lowes and ask some guy to take a 2x4 and shove ************* I don't even know why they call it a seat .welcome to bumpertalk . sadly you're nodding .. yep .. yep .. yep ..


That's quite a story you have there. I could actually understand a little bit of it Tongue out But yeh, I totally know what you're saying about the seat. It does suck and I'm still using the stocker. Fortunately(or unfortunately), I don't have time to ride and I just commute 12 miles to work and back.

Oh and please let me know what stickers I have to buy in order to increase my displacement to 800cc Laughing

I rode in the deserts of africe in the dakar in the siberian klondike in the argentine calamari, in baja ,in alaska and in my backyard as an 11 year old .(ok mayne I'm exaggerating a bit about riding on squid in argentinia , but I did trail ride about 8 years ) that seat is so bad it's not to be called a seat . Trials seats are better .. the drz 800 is just buy another bike dualing drz's second one I bought cheap ..I had to buy it cuz it had 3000 in mods done to it.. less than I paid for it . worth more in parts than as a bike . Hard to say no ..Oh yeah .. it has a stock seat too. (only 17 year olds think stickers make your bike faster ) for me they are to hide serious swingarm etching .. and make people think twice

The 22 dollars battery has done 3 seasons now and I was damned if I was gonna pay 100$ to a dealer or wait 3 weeks for a 69$ battery from china like a champ // just beware of the battery acid vent .. vent it but a coil whcih never allowed for simple slosh was a brilliant idea after already taking out my swingarm .nothing a couple hours and some various grits can't fix . having riden off road for so long if it ain't dirty , my first thought is you can probably beat the other guy up .

Always kept my bikes dirty cuz I didn't wanna fight

Never did see the point in cleaning them. I once rode 650km in one go on an XL185 through the northern edge of the Kalahari desert. I walked like John Wayne for a week!

That saddle had turned into razor blades by 100km.

My last town bike.

The one before it. 1966 TZ350 chassis with huge chunks cut out of it to fit a DR400 motor - all the RD400E motors round here were worn out. Quite a few of them had been in this chassis. Reversed gear linkage, radical ace bars, turning circle measured in kilometres, and ground clearance limited only by your shoulders. It was perfectly possible to corner on the wheel rims if you were completely insane. The riding position was awkward as your backside was not actually higher than your head, it was at least 5mm lower. But all my weight ended up on the bases of my thumbs - try spending a journey of any length doing pressups on your thumbs. The wind did start to take the weight off at about 80mph. Pity the only way to make it do more than 75 involved driving it off a cliff. But it would wheelie in 3rd on the throttle and was light enough to carry when the vibration broke something important. Huge fun, but utterly agonising to drive more than 30km. Did it a few times - walked funny for days. Note the hump on the back of the tank and racing brakes that were pretty much full on or full off. Painful...

Here is another situation I had to deal with in College. In High School we were taught that electricity, electrons, went from negative to positive. In college current flows from positive to negative.

The truth is, the electrons do in fact flow from negative to positive and conventional current flows from positive to negative. Here is a link explaining what happened way back when….

At the time, I had a hard time accepting this, as all my life, I had learned and thought of electricity as flowing from negative to positive. Because of a mistake long ago, Engineers, by convention think of it as going from positve to negative.

This is an old thread explaining why IMR cells are really LMR.

There is no mistake,definition of current flow is given for positive particle,and electrons travel in opposite direction since they are negative charged particles.

electricity/=electrons,beacuse electrons aren’t only particles that have charge (and by definition current=flow of charge,positive or negative)

Positive charged ions in vaccum and liquids do travel from positive to negative potential.

On the subject of LMR, is there a way to calculate the safe charge/discharge current of a cell from its rated capacity?

I have a couple of AW LiMn 10180 cells on the way rated at 90mAh.


I never quite understood how it was that long hair on men came to be such a taboo thing. But the fact is that the whole idea that a ‘proper’ guy MUST have short hair is actually a rather new one. It was only in the mid 19th century that short hair became common (Christianity had been in existance for a LONG time before then!). And from what I have heard, this came about with industrialization and the need to keep hair from becoming tangled in machinery. But even this doesn’t explain how it became the taboo thing it still is to a large degree today.

Woah there….

IMR is interpreted by YOU as an accident. As with all the other acronyms you stated, why would it not also be a name given by manufacturer?. The industry may just have adopted it.

Frisbee, not flying disc toy.

There’s a joke, - One thing about baldness, you gotta admit, it’s neat.

In the military, long hair and beards are not allowed. Probably because it gives the enemy, in hand to hand combat, something to grab a hold of. Also it is easier to clean and keep clean while out in combat. In other words, it is more practical.

As far as the Bible goes, Samson had long hair, Jesus did because he was a Nazarene and they wore their hair long.
However there is a verse that says “Isn’t it obvious that it’s disgraceful for a man to have long hair?” So go figure.

A lot of things we do are “by convention”

That goes without saying. But when it comes to the long hair on guys thing, I just have to wonder how it was that convention did a 180 degree turnaround. I get that, in the military, long hair is a liability in hand to hand combat. And I get that, in certain lines of work, long hair can be a problem because it can get caught in machinery (although it can always be tied back). But what I DON’T get is how long hair went from something that was common and accepted to something that can to this day get you fired (or forced to cut it under threat of termination) from a job where it poses no practical problems (other than your employer simply being against it). It’s also kind of odd that an employer by law can’t force women to wear dresses, skirts, or heels (or, for that matter, wear their hair long). But they have every right to tell a guy they can’t wear their hair long.