Is this another new triple XM-L? (Trustfire triple XM-L 3T6)

Yea you are correct, 2.55V with the two cells. These weren't fresh off the charger but used little.

Assume you meant 2.55A :D. Thanks buddy

buck/boost, that's unusual.

Just adding a link to that Sky-ray thread:

Post #285.

yep amps, it was late

i started a new thread on the TrustFire TR-3T6 Triple XM-L as i didnt know this one was here but after reading it it got a bit lost along the way.

ive done some 30 to 45 min draw test on the 3 x 18650

This Hi-MAX looks exactly same as DX FandyFire V2 :stuck_out_tongue: