Is This For Real

Yep, good post. Sad to read all the people here thinking it may be legit. Hey its only 20$, I can afford to gamble on this once in a lifetime deal right? Well the guy has "sold" over 122 now, so thats 2400USD for some scam.

Didnt order, no point. The seller wont have 122 of these just lying around. Shipping and packing would cost a lot, in addition to the light. No one is going to sell all this for just 23 shipped$

And nice user-name by the way, LOL.

LOL good times.

Yeah don't forget the bike light for 20$

you know what.... i'm gonna pass on this one

I'm waiting for the one in paisley

The auctions require immediate payment.

Shoot. off to paypal claims I go...

Too good to be true!

Deffo too good to be true, but I'm still tempted. (Who wouldn't be, really?)

My only concern is this: what if I get flagged by ebay/paypal as someone that keeps filing claims? Is that going to hurt in the future when a normal auction goes bad? Or do you think they'll have a little flag on this claim that says, "ebay scammer... buyer not to blame"?


This is why paypal fee's are so high, some one gave me 4 usd towards a battery test paypal took 0.50 cents out as there fee......


Definate scam me thinks. Silver coin anyone

You are probably right. I also prefer to watch this from a save distance.

Yeah, I'm weak... pulled the trigger and expect to see my rock/coin arrive in 3-4 weeks. We'll see how this one plays out.

129 sold

Mine already got marked as shipped... never happened that fast, so I'm thinking Revenge is right.

At least in the UK (and I'm assuming elsewhere), a seller has to mark the order as shipped to get the paypal funds released. (Mine is marked shipped as well.)

LOL yeah the guy sold a bunch of things for $1.50 to build his rating and now he's cashing in. Stay awayyyy!!!!!

Yeah, mine marked as shipped too.

Also, he's already left me positive feedback on my Ebay account. Yep, to good to be true.

Nah, tgtbt. Worthy heads-up Brad, but I'm passing on this one. Really hope it works out for you guys who've jumped on it, they say fortune favours the (reckless) brave. Good luck lads..
