It's another Giveaway! - Winner announced!

Thanks for the giveaway!

The most inspirational member for me is CRX. I love his mods and I hope to one day be able to do something similar.

Thanks for the GAW!
I have been mostly inspired by Old Lumens and his maglite mods :slight_smile:

Congratulations for the 4000 posts. My vote is for Martin … M4D M4X …. great guy with some excellent deals.

Congrats on the 4k!
Vote for djozz.
I enjoy his threads with LEDs testing.

Another vote for djozz. His graphs are lit.

Good idea.
You can try to have a vendor sponsor the giveaway too.

Well done on 4000 mate :+1:

Djozz, MRsDNF are two people I have a lot of time for, HKJ - I wouldn’t buy a battery or charger without checking a review of his first. Old Lumens for my brass stuff. SB for bringing it to us.
All the reviewers, testers and good deal negotiators. The modders and builders.

There are so many here that inspire me, even yourself, you inspired my latest build :+1:

4K…geeez :slight_smile:

Well, because of dales for sale threads, I very rarely look to buy stock lights. I guess I have been spoiled by the power! You modders do to lights.
And then theres that guy CRX or something like that. He puts XHP50 In AAA lights :open_mouth:

Congratulations on your 4k posts! cera@1967 already said: there are so many good people here that are an inspiration. And I hope they will continue to be that for a long time to come.
However, there is one member who stopped posting a while ago, and who will be very missed.
O-L was not only my inspiration as a (technical) modder, but also for his view on things and how he expressed that.

sb56637 has inspired me the most.

I think Mr. Admin does a great job running BLF.

I agree with the way he approaches just about everything.

Congrats on 4K!

The member I’ve been most inspired by (at the risk of smaking this thread say the same thing over and over) is Mr. CRX. He takes ideas that others would pass up as impossible, not worth the time, and frankly stupid (MT-G2 EVERYTHINGGGG) and makes it happen, usually with generous amounts of carbon fiber and GiTD resin. I love all his work, truly someone to look up to.

Congrats DavidEF. Really great to have you here.

So hard to decide. If I have to, I have to pick MrsDNF. He is consistently there for everyone regardless of popularity. He is an amazingly skilled artist. He also really was a big supporter of O-L, thick and thin. He's the closest human embodiment of BLF that I can think of.

Congratulations on 4,000

Thanks for your contributions.


Old Lumens… I have four of his customs…I really wish I had half of his skills…RIP Justin

Congratulations on 4000 posts!
I would have to say Old Lumens was the most inspirational member here. He showed that just about anyone with some basic hand tools and some time and care could make these wonderful creations.

Congrats for your 4K posts, it’s a great achievement.

It’s kinda hard to say who inspired me most in this forum. I love seeing DIY project and it inspires me to do the same thing. Looking at any possibilities to do the mods.

Congrats on 4000!!!
I enjoy Mhanlen’s channel and appreciate the efforts of each person who contributes to the BLF designed lights. Not really into modding myself so I love the group projects.

Ok, I just can’t limit this discussion to 1 person… I have loved following Justin of course, master modder and interesting all around person. ToyKeeper has inspired me to get to where I am with firmware abilities and I have a long way to go. PilotDog68 with his history making lighted tailcap, seems every light I get in at least gets considered for one! We have so many great folks here that have made modern drivers possible, modern firmware possible and just plain old cool lights!

I lurked for many years and have regretted not taking the plunge and signing in sooner… Just would have meant more lights and less cash! :slight_smile:

Thanks all.

Congrats on the 4k! :smiley:

Hmm, still kind of learning the players here, so ain’t really sure. Lotta people contribute in their own ways.

What got me started in actual modding (vs just swapping drop-ins in a ’501/’502) was Match, and his 15min Mag-Mod. Alas, ain’t sure if he’s here or only on That Other Forum.

Ditto that Lightbringer, Im relatively new here and think its a bit unfair to choose one person when the whole community contributes so much.
To officially enter this giveaway, In my time here (short) whom have I been inspired by? I would like to mention The Miller, Why? as he has taken roles as a leader in this community first by being a good follower and then by leading himself. Ex. from Q8 Thread;

Honorable Mentions; HKJ and Tom E for exceptional contributions to this community.