JB Weld on expensive build w/pics

ive never gone into anything like this with a flashlight, but id say get the adapter made up and not use any epoxy or anything. from the sounds of it, it would be like restoring a vintage porsche to all original, then use a coat hanger to hang the exhaust…
its not my money and i dont know the cost to get the adapter made… but my 2c

Yea ill probley have it made since I am making 2 one for me and one to sell pics will be up in about 30 min

that’s awesome

cnq longrun and flydragon head?

wish i could get my hands on one of those!

that’s correct…… ill be adding tritium vials on the top (green)and im trying to find a nice click switch for the back

led will be a EZ900 led on a 2inch tall copper slug

really? ez900. well, that oughta make great numbers, but I bet xml2 would make it incredibly useful :slight_smile:

Ill play around with both :slight_smile: I have to read up on the newer LEDs that came out to see which one throws the farthest

yeah the shower head, it looks like the 109 led i’ve used :slight_smile:


What are the web links for the body and head used?


Ill get the links up today but have to worn u the head will be PRICEY, and the head above is not the shower head, but I got it chrome looking is a lot of buffing and polishing with diffrent materials :slight_smile:

just checked feilong.us

head is $42 + shipping if you register

with DHL to NY, $76 for one, $126 for 2

who wants to group buy with me?!