KronoReview: Odepro B58U Tactical 18650 Blue Flashlight

When you use blue light, the female critturs come running….hoping to get in on the sale at K-Mart. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just ordered one of these, that cut-away picture they have showing just how deep the reflector is got me. Couldn’t help it. White, will change the emitter and driver and see how it likes being pushed hard. :slight_smile:

Cool…I am interested in getting your input on this light.

I LOVE the deep reflector in this light! That’s what made me buy it, they showed a very impressive cutaway view (dang their hides) and I had to have it! And I love it! BUT, the XM-L2 doesn’t fare well in this narrow deep reflector, so I stuck an XP-G2 S3 3C in it. On copper of course. And with a new driver, of course. :slight_smile: Interestingly enough, the FET I put in it doesn’t let it run much hotter. They had a 105c piggybacked onto the 20mm contact board, standard fare, ATTiny13A and all. So I’ve got it doing 3.02A at the tail to the XP-G2 and the hot spot is intense! :slight_smile:

Thanks for showing this one to us, I’d have missed it for sure!

On the Brinyte website under the parameter settings, it says the ANSI measurements were done using a 26650 but it’s an 18650 flashlight. Is this a typo on their behalf?