Lexels 4444 Giveaway Winners CRX and bilakos10

I would like to have ec23 from nitecore

Congrats on the approaching 4444. :beer:

And thanks for doing such a nice giveaway :+1:

Yes, i’m in. :slight_smile:

I’m in, thank’s!
Headlamp Package 1 with Skilhunt.

Have not been in a GAW for a good while… I really would like the hi cri headlamp… if I win!!

Thanks Dude!

Random.org says

1. 10 not enough posts
2. 24 CRX
3. 24 sorry can only win one package
4. 45 not enough posts
5. 28 bilakos10

So CRX can choose one package he likes
bilakos10 Can choose primary if thats already gone secondary

OH! It’s over! Well, that was quick! Congratulations to CRX and bikalos10 and thanks Lexel for the giveaway! :partying_face:

congratulations to CRX and bilakos10. It will be interesting to see what CRX makes out of the lights he gets. :smiley:

Thanks for doing a great and generous giveaway. I am definitely in.

Congratulations to CRX and bilakos10.

Thanks Lexel, for the opportunity.
Onwards to 5,000 posts.

Thanks Lexel, I’m in.

I’m in for a nice giveaway, thanks Lexel.

Guys, the GAW is over.

Congrats to the winners!


Congratulations ! Great givaway!

Random.org picked me twice huh.
That’s nice :laughing:
Thanks Lexel, I like the Astrolux Ti3A :beer:

Congratulations CRX and Bilakos10, those are cool prizes :slight_smile:

Saw my name in the topic description and got super excited!
I shall take the Fireflies PL47 Nichia :P

I will shoot you my address by PM @Lexel!

Received the lights, thanks again Lexel :beer:
Really like the wee Astrolux Ti :+1:

Mods Incoming… :smiley:

Also received the PL47 today!
Absolutely great light and wonderful tint :slight_smile:

Thanks for everything Lexel!