Li-Ion Batteries Indirect Purchaser Class Action

I didn’t mean to cause a ruckus, my apologies for that. It’s just that with class-action suits most of the money goes to the non-deserving while those who suffered the most get shafted the worst. So when I see these things my blood boils.

If you were harmed, then by all means sign on, or send your letter of exclusion and follow up your own self. I get every bit as mad when I see someone wronged by big corporations. But please don’t see this as free money because it’s not.


Well the way I’m reading the class action lawsuit. If you’ve ever bought a cell phone, computer, tablet, medicsl devices fir loved ones, 18650 or any other lithium batteries in the last decade then you have been wronged. The big 4 battery manufactures of the world conspired together to keep prices high intentionally. Like opec does with oil
So we were all harmed ob here. Who on here doesnt have two dozen 18650 at the minimum. All the ebike guys by a hundred cells per riding season. I’ve gone through a dozen phones the last decade. Its not free money to anyone on this forum. The amount given probably won’t be close to what we over paid. Sony I see it played it smart in striking a deal early, they seem to be wabtibt to sell their 18650 battery division anyway. The other three companies might have to pay out much much more and release confidential documents if they don’t strike a deal. 20 million Sony shits out, the PlayStation network brings in more then that per month. Companies like those set aside huge sums of money for lawsuits

Business as usual.
Worst way to run an economy, except for the others that have been tried so far.

Well, when a big company gets struck in a legal matter, it is the lawyers who are most benefited, as they earn profitably and when their names gets associated with a big brand name, it helps preparing a ground to earn more number of customers. Thus, the best business advice for lawyers is to choose the right customer, and make sure that you are not going to lose the case.

Sycophants, Parasites, and Leeches…They use YOU to line THEIR pockets.

Three spams above not yet nuked as of right now folks, look for the ones with the garbage links from recent accounts that have made 1 or 2 total posts

Lawyers get all the money in a class action lawsuit…

I got this letter in the mail a while back. I immediately put it in my shredder like I do with all class action lawsuits.

.15 cents

That will be your share, in a decade, if you join in and supply all necessary and proper documentation.
Good luck! :money_mouth_face:

they should give someone 19M just for translating that into a common english