Liver Cake

yeah, I used to boil the venison a bit, but that made the house stink for days. then I got a smoker, and I would stink (like smoke) for a day - so now they get it bloody.

for those of you that have dogs and don't give them some REAL meat, you're missing out. Although, if your dog is already over-protective of you, it might not be a good idea ;)

It is said here in Spain, "you can eat a pig from its nose to his tail" and it is 100% true, I do not like all of it, but on a good recipe it can all taste nice unless you know what it is hahaha.

I do not like liver of any animal but duck, I love foie grass :P

I eat almost anything, I had a good experience last year in Edimburgh with the haggis, they taste more or less like black pudding but more spicy to me.

It is a well known dish also in Spain the stomach, but we eat the pigs ones.

Haggis can be very good or very bad. I've eaten both. More bad than good actually. The bad stuff tastes mostly of pepper if you are lucky. Otherwise it is like eating greasy gravel.

I love liver. But it does not love me as it goes through me very, very quickly. I used to eat a lot of it till I lived on a vegan diet for about 3 years in the mid-80's (Not through choice, just down to what food was actually available). Ever since then, liver has been far too rich for me. I thought foie gras was made from goose liver?

The butchers here say they can sell every bit of a pig except the sounds they make.

The assistant is very fond of dried pigs ears.

There is Foie grass of almost anything haha, but yes, the good one comes from goose, in the other hand knowing how it is produced makes me a bit sad, it is more cruel than our typical bullfighting in my opinion.I would prefer to be killed in 20 mins with a sword, than in days being fed with a funnel.

Thanks Don, Im going to make it for my dog this week!!! Ive never baked him anything before so it will be fun.

the maggot cheese Chicago X mentioned, but never had the, uh, pleasure of trying it. maggots may be several steps across the line. there was a brilliantly academic (ahem) tv show in the us called fear factor that i saw only a few times, (of course the first time i saw it was during an all day thanksgiving marathon...poetic) where the contestants would often have to eat things i would never have imagined, and they seemed to have more trouble with maggots than most other things most other people wouldn't eat.

i love a lot of the stuff that fast food america wouldn't even consider, but it is not easy to find much of the culturally weird stuff, like organ meats, etc. i have had haggis, like Don, at a Burns celebration, and i thought it was great. really. not many people i know like liver at all. i have one buddy who does, and i keep telling him about the liver cake. i don't know why he won't do it.