Lost shipment!! -- How was your case handled? :)

Similar stuff happened to one of my friends. Package was ensured, $200. Was opened and then wrapped again. Those fucked thieves always take that into account. Man, I’m almost 100% sure, that if that person instead of declaring that, had written “$hit inside. Insurance: .01c” nobody would open that package.

FINAL NEWS. Because of my whining in the email report the company didnt hesitate a bit to issue to full refund for the late receipt of the product. I received the product AND i get issued a full refund wtf? Incredibly generous service to make amends and that turns my shopping experience into a very good one. They succeeded: Of course i am very pleased now and satisfied with the final outcome of the whole story.

Just wanted to share this with you. God bless Flashlights USA, God bless America.

Now that is good CS! Bravo to flashlights USA!

Always good to see our people get their flashlights, and always good to see a happy ending too…

Good Beam Throwing to all… :wink: