Lumintop GT nano on the way

I was hibernating and the earth rumbled, ordered this neat little thrower from Neal… I have copper boards and can make a 10440 tube, going back to sleep now… zzzzzz

Copper board + 10440 = buy from me.

Sleep tight, and let the lathe spin for the nano when you wake up :sunglasses:

Good to see you back in action Dale. :slight_smile:

I ordered mine from Neal on Oct 31 and it still hasn’t shipped yet. Haha, glad I know what to expect when I order from him. I guess it’ll get here when it gets here

Intrested depending on price
Thank you

Say hi to my new Lumintop GT Nano Tool AAA. :smiley:

Sorry for the potato quality, the pics are taken from Telegram.

thats a good one! :beer:

As far as I tested you can lockout the GT Nano with the button of the Tool, once you switch it to ON, the Nano gives the two blinks.

With a crappy luxmeter app on my phone I measured better output than with the 10180 battery, I don’t know if I want to run a full Turbo test because of the led going blue that someone told in the thread. :weary:

Ordered 2 from skylumen yesterday!

Hey there, new here but I wanted to share my success with adapting a body tube from an OLD (v1) Thrunite Ti3 body onto a GT Nano w/ a 10440 3.7v button top, it works very well. Another user tested this with the v2 Ti3 body and it does not work.

This is what the GT Nano should have been imo.

I would have bought one if that is what it turned out to be. :frowning:

The Ti3 v1 might have just gone up in resale value a bit…

i thought using 10440 will fry the emitter?

Use a copper MCPCB and be done, if I’m not mistaken.

they announces that the second btch has a copper MCPCB

but they did not talk with me lately...
seem upset because i posted my opinion about their mistake

You must have a different version of the Tool AAA than mine. Mine does not fit.

wow upset? :open_mouth:

Truth can be painful, especially when you have done something foolish and short sighted.


Anyway, if they are going in the right direction, that’s a great news.