Luxeon 3W MXDL $2.49 for few hours(END)

Could you please give the link of the KD drop-in?

I'm not really sure exactly which one it is because it was sent to me by mistake. I didn't order it. KD has a few but this looks like it

There is really nothing special about it, I'm sure any of them would work.

Well I’m glad it worked out for you Bob. You know you stuff an XML in there though. I got my dropin for free and the light for $2.50 but I would say that with an XML it is worth the price of a cheap $12 dropin.

This was cheap for a few hours too.Twin cr123 twisty? Of any interest?


I have been EDCing this light for a few months now with no problems. The other day I ran it through the washer and that gave the annodization on the threads a little grief for whatever reason. The annodization was going to wear thin at some point anyhow. The light worked but would sometimes turn on very dim when it was off. Like a light with a bad ground. Now I had to isolate the driver from the pill. I was going to use RTV to isolate the driver and hold it in but I couldn’t find any around here so I used some generic silicone stuff I had laying around. I ground a little off the diameter of the driver and then slightly over filled the pill with the silicone so that when I replaced the driver the excess squeezed out around the edges. I made sure it was even, wiped the excess and let it cure. Now the light works perfect again.