Match's Mods Giveaway - Game Over

See! Almost exponential growth and none of the nonsense from the Other Place. A lot of fun people doing incredible stuff. Wish I had Match's machinery...

But it would help a lot if I had a fraction of his skills as well :(

OK, count me in!

On BLF I don't feel marginalized just because I don't spend $500 on a pocket light. Everyone is welcoming, friendly and open. I like the amount of countries represented and the fact that I actually get replies to my posts! Spending more time here due to you folks. And no petty, Orwellian censorship... where else could I have posted a comment that veered off into motorcycles without getting shut down? That IMO, is cool!


Which is exactly why I don't like the tone of the Other Plaice.

I am constitutionally incapable of sticking to the topic.....

And it is wonderful that there's nearly a thousand folks who will put up with my wandering all over the place and be polite about it too.

'Seems like a perfect time to come out of the woods and into the circle of firelight to say, "Hi!" I've been around CPF/EDCForums for a few years but not made it much beyond double-digit posts, though I've got many, many hours into absorbing knowledge and opinion. I enjoy the "tech" of torches!

I "found" this site last week and, after 5-6 hours of reading, have to say that the ratio of info:drama is loooooow here. There are some brilliant folks here that are doing some mods that have inspired me to jump in the waters and try it myself.

And, Match? I just read the thread where you detailed this rebuild and then happened upon this one. First, what an awesome gesture to do this giveaway back to the community. Second? That is an AMAZING job on that torch. It has to be among the top three best looking lights I've ever seen!

Welcome paddling_man. It really is good to have you here.

I hope you enjoy it here as much as I do.


Welcome paddling_man!

So, paddling . . . you're either into white-water rafting, canoeing or spanking.


Oh yeah's on now baby ..

some time , some how , when you least expect it .. ninjas may be encircling your house as we speak .. you'll never see it coming .. till it's too late

i like this site because of the friendly helpful easygoing nature of all you guys

i don't feel like i am on a forum more like seeing what my friends are doing

keep up the good friendly atmosphere and this forum will go a long way

+1 Perfectly said! Cheers.


Yeah , I know that they are everywhere....

....but I have a counter-weapon...

... but I am kind of hoping you sent out this kind of Ninjas, so I would deal with them myself...

...............insert sexy ninja chick pics here. (removed due to our many 10-year-old members and Google safe-search scanners)

... of cause that leads to a different kind of trouble....


I like BLF because its full of useful information and yet there is always a place for a joke. Or a ninja

Thanks to everyone making this a great place!

Here's more ninjas!

Updated once again. Please check and make sure I haven't missed anyone. Thanks for all the great comments guys, and welcome paddling_man!

…for offering up on your creations, and for motivating me to stop lurking and register here. Great resource for the flashaholic on a budget.
I would be grateful if I could be entered in this draw.

This is my lucky day I hope!

Welcome to BLF, Ford Prefect! At one point in my life I was writing a novel starring fictional characters Janelle Hinton and Plymouth Neon. Can anyone figure out why? (This is a tough one...)

Welcome to BLF, Ford Prefect - a nice inconspicuous name. Or so he thought....

Good to have you here.

1948 Commander

Plymouth Neon needs no more from me. Did he have four wheels?

Don figured out part of the riddle. My character Plymouth Neon was an alien named after a car, just like Ford Prefect. My character Janelle Hinton, however, has nothing to do with cars nor anyone by that name.