[MOD] SRK-43 aka "Poor man's Meteor"

Thanks for the comments :slight_smile:

Thanks Mike.
The discs were cut out of a solid plate of alloy by hand - my labor charge could kill the deal for you :wink:

The driver is an early revision, not 100% the same as the final Q8 board, but I could probably give some thoughts on Narsil over in the Q8 thread :slight_smile:

Most of them were cooked from the initial reflow, so yes, I replaced all of them. Fortunately the XP-G3’s are fairly inexpensive!

I guess it would work fine with an adjustable temp iron, but not with my old dog…

Thanks Tom.
The driver was slightly larger than the head ID, so I just filed it down until it was a nice fit.
It would be nice to have some type of retainer ring, or tabs with mounting screws.

You sir need some serious help of the professional kind. If you hear a knock on the door just go with the flow. :stuck_out_tongue:
Orsm job especially flattening tube out and then polishing it like you have. Its a shame you dont know someone with a lathe that could of machined the aluminium heat discs, plates out for you. :slight_smile:
Its orsm to see this up and running and thanks for the pictures. Top job. :+1:

Thanks, I guess a machined pill would have been easier, but that would have left you less time to run back & forth for the LED’s :stuck_out_tongue:

In all honesty your mod would not have been the same or read the same if you had used outside assistance. I admire the efforts and outcomes.

Intelligent design - pretty fabulous !

Beyond Meteor and well into Mega M6 territory.

And here I thought my next project was going to be cool… Am I allowed to make a “flashlight” the size of a trashcan to compete with this kind of stuff?

Love the diy problem solving. Excellent job!

Very nice work!

You Aussies have too much time! LOL

That is just fricken awesome! I don’t have near enough patience for some of that type of work. Great build! :beer:

FmC, that is awesome work! I think what I like the best is the view from the top…the wires, Noctigon boards, copper plate and screws. None of it’s hidden. When somebody looks at it you can be like, yeah, I made that.

I guess so, but I’m willing to hear what it would be so I don’t have to it myself :smiley:

Come to think of it, it probably wouldn’t fit. My BMF SRK uses MT-G2s with the reflector, your light doesn’t have a reflector.

Yep, I like the open style look to it as well. That reminded me of Mattaus’ Medusa.

It took a little measuring to get the correct stack-height, & I was lucky to have the correct combination of metals on hand to add up to the right thickness.
I’m sure one of the lathe guys who are doing the custom pills would be able to knock out an alloy slug of your dimensions easily.

WOW, I´d want one of those! :cry: :open_mouth:
Great job!


Great mod and great recovery. Keep em' coming!