Modding a Judco Switch

Ok. Thanks OL.

Who you talking about Willis, Sorry Rufusbduck?

I will post the mod here and send you the result.

I thought you might use a switch like that as a tail clicky in the copper tube.

I am using one in the copper tube as a tail clicky, just not with a spring, but direct wired.

Doh! No battery, no spring.

I think you did great on modifying it. Now I believe you are more proud of your Judco Pushbutton switch.

I think this conversation is getting like one of those phone calls with a 3 second delay. Everyone talks on top of each other and no one has a clue whats being said.

Thanks OL I would love you to make the said switch with idiot instructions just for me. Can you please include a link to the switch to save me searching for the link you sent me last time. Cheers, confused idiot (me).

Hey O-L, I just want to say that you’re also doing a great job with the photography. Really helps folks like myself to be able to clearly see what is being described. Like a roadmap to DIY, :slight_smile:

Thanks for going to the extra trouble with photographic documentation, it’s really appreciated!

Originally a 10 amp Judco switch.


I made two new contact strips out of copper sheet. They still need tro be trimmed a little.


Bottom contact for a spring


Side contact


Epoxy to seal the end

Tested with a meter. Works...

Will that work for you MRsDNF?

Thank you very much sir. Your copper for the tabs, would that be about 20 thou in thickness?

Stock was .014". I only had .012"

Where’s the best place to buy these switches?

Digikey but I wish their site were easier to navigate. You want the Judco 10A push button on/off or off/on(reverse and forward clicky). If you click on the part number you will get a page that has links for button covers as well. Maybe OL has a direct link. I use a variety of different Judco switches.


Just use the colums of information to look for the amperage and style you want.

I use this one most of the time: Judco Part# 40-4520-00

This is a great thread. I was just starting to mod a tail cap to take a Judco switch when I remembered O-L did thread on modding a Judco switch. Thanks to this contribution, I will take a different and better approach to the mod. Thank you O-L.
