MTN Electronics: LEDs - Batteries - Lights - Chargers - Hosts - Drivers - Components - 1-Stop-US Source

You can e-mail it to yourself then print it and mail it, or I guess I could snail mail a cardstock print of it if you want, but it won't be a real plastic card.

Like new - Convoy S6, Aluminum spacer, Triple Nichia 219C D280 80+ CRI, 17mm MTN-17DDm with Bistro. $40 shipped USA.

I’ll take it

PM me how you want to complete the transaction

Since nobody here bit, I put it up on the website. As noted above, the price is now higher than it was before. The prices I set here early on were mostly lower to give a better deal to those who follow this thread, and were for a limited time.

Thanks Richard. If it can be printed out at home, that’s good enough.

This is a copy of the newsletter, in case you aren't subscribed or didn't get it:

MTN 2016 XTAR Charger Sale

July 20, 2016 through August 3, 2016

Everyone knows that XTAR chargers are awesome! They offer great features and rock-solid reliability. From the inexpensive MC1 to the fast and versatile VP2, there is something in the XTAR lineup for everyone.

Once a year for a limited time, we are allowed to sell these chargers at below MSRP, so when we get that chance we like to give great deals! Check ‘em out:

XTAR MC1: $3.49

XTAR MC1 Plus: $5.49

XTAR MC2: $6.99

XTAR U1 Six-U High-Output USB: $20.99

XTAR VC2: $14.99

XTAR VC2+ MASTER: $17.49

XTAR VC4: $24.59

XTAR Vl01: $3.89

XTAR VP2: $25.99

XTAR VP4: $26.99

XTAR WP2H: $11.99

XTAR XP1: $2.95

XTAR XP4: $24.99

Or, browse all of them at once!

These great deals won’t last past the end of the sale date, and once they’re gone, they’re gone. So if you’ve been thinking about grabbing another charger for yourself or for someone else, go for it!

As always, we appreciate your support.


The Mountain Electronics Team

For those of you who were looking for some MTN-15DDm PCBs, they're up. Other links: parts kit, complete driver.

Rats. I already placed an order a couple of days ago.

Thanks so much for putting the XTAR chargers on sale. The timing is perfect. I have a lot of people looking for lights right now and they all need chargers. :beer:


Is there a code? The BLF code doesn’t seem to work.

Richard, can you give me an idea of how warm/neutral the 5D0 tint is on the XHP50? Thanks.

Geat sale on the xtars he i had a question doe anyone know if any of the xtar chargers on se have the refresh ability ?I know there some that reset if you yrip the protection on protected batteries but i would limero try and get one that has refresh ability

Thanks again RMM for the great sale. Had to pick up a few chargers anyway… Any chances at the 4000K 219C Nichia’s showing up?

If I recall correctly, the code may be case-sensitive.

Thanks, but neither case works: “Warning: Coupon is either invalid, expired or reached it’s usage limit!”

Maybe it doesn’t work on the Item(s) you’re trying to purchase. It worked for me just fine a minute ago.

Hey Richard. Any thoughts on a replacement driver for my L11C?

The max space I have to work with

Current driver diameter

The shelf the driver sits on require a minimum of this

Driver is 1mm thick

I was thinking of either the 12mm? DO they stand a chance or just to small?

Sorry for the super-late reply…

Oh, right. I think RMM compiled it with the 8-bar battcheck mode instead of the volts+tenths version.

So, the error codes for weird conditions (like “1.1 volts”) won’t happen either.

But if it’s reading 6-7 out of 8, it’s not getting a weird voltage reading. It may just be a cell with a lot of sag during turbo. If that’s the case, low-voltage protection would kick in and drop the output but it won’t go all the way down or shut off.

It doesn’t step down in the thermal calibration mode because that would defeat the point of the mode. :slight_smile:

If it steps down (in a fairly big step) from turbo then stays there, it thinks the voltage is low… but only when in turbo mode. That tends to indicate that the cell actually can’t handle the load because its voltage has sagged too far.

It doesn’t step down according to the defined mode sequence; it just cuts the output by a fraction of the current brightness. This will often get it somewhere between the levels you can normally access.

Exactly. Voltage can sag really far on turbo on a triple, especially if the cell isn’t full, especially if it’s not a high-amp cell like the 30Q.

Richard, you sell drivers and chargers that accept 3v cells, but don’t have any 3v (LiFePO4) cells right now.

The only source I know of now is Fasttech (no promise, customer’s risk, no returns, taken out of equipment).
They claim they tested them for voltage, but don’t say when they tested them.
Recent comments from purchasers are that many of them are dead on arrival.
I know they’re quite old, I bought some of theirs early in 2015 and they were all rusted around the vent holes. Not encouraging, though they had some capacity.

I just asked and was answered: A123 recently restarted production on the 3v 18650 cells and has stock in transit, tho’ not yet in stock to sell

The price stings for 1-9 cells - $10.20 per cell

But I wonder if their volume discounts may be decent enough to, perhaps, attract you as a reseller.
Maybe on a no-drama “group buy” in advance basis?

For LiFePO4, has them (we used to buy the Powerizer 26650 cells from them), and bunch of listings on eBay, with brand names of Tenergy and Soshine. I personally have no application for them. is actually over there on the West Coast, SanFran I think, so they’d be a great choice for you Hank