My new favorite light: The Merkin light!!

Epic thread is epic.

Is there a doctor in the house? It looks like a guy. Sorry, the “curves” just don’t line up like a girl’s do. I really think it’s a guy. Maybe it’s a he/she… If she’s got thighs that big, she hasn’t been running away, she’s been chasing the runners.

Actually, the three leds look like a little face don't they? A little smiley face.Tongue Out

Whatever you do, Don't click on the Money Belt link!!!Yell

Omigosh, was literally LOL. Luckily I finished my sip of coffee otherwise it would've been all over the keyboard. LOL!

I'm with OL here. Come on people, that is NOT a she... I mean really, look at the web site name even... playazon (Player Zone)?

Maybe it was a guy and the adhesive "removed more than just the hair".